Happy to see you on board. I'd suggest putting the Frozen North under born of the soil, or just formatting it like this: [hider=Example] [color=9e0b0f][s]The Great Forests The Whispering Plains The Vast Desert The Stinking Mire The River Delta The Depths of the Earth The Sapphire Islands The Open Sea The Towering Mountains[/s][/color] [color=598527]The Frozen North[/color] [color=9e0b0f][s]The Blasted Wasteland[/s][/color] [/hider] Just so that it's easier at a glance to know what lands you're attuned to. Remember, you may gain more as you level up. Also, you do need to include a 'tell' specifically tied to this move. Described as "a physical attribute that marks you as born of the soil—that reflects the spirit of your land. It may be an animal feature like antlers or leopard’s spots or something more general: hair like leaves or eyes of glittering crystal. Your tell remains no matter what shape you take." Other than that I think the only thing you're missing is that you could add the other two bonds from the druid class, if you were so inclined. wouldn't think it mandatory though. As for additional gear that's Aristo's call, but I feel what each class can start with is fairly balanced against each other. There'll be plenty of chances to come across a bow once we start playing I'd think.