[@Saikaange] Let me know if this is alright. If you think it is good to go then I will move it to the character section. [hider=Dom] Name: Dominic Colombo Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Upon looking at Dom you get a bit of a "brick wall" feel from him. The teen seems to be built similar to an ox. Barrel chested, a jaw that could cut glass, and eyes that could burn holes in the back of your skull. He has a bit of a tan complection, they speculate that it is a potential that he comes from an Italian family. Height: 5'10" Weight: 200 lbs Hair and Eye color: Light brown hair with Hazel eyes Personality: Dom is the "strong, silent" type in a way. Being a stocky big dude has put him in a position where he feels like he must help protect those that "think". The intelligent ones are what drive everyone else to move forward, so he would be happy to be a cog in their machine. If you want a stellar conversation out of Dom you might not be to happy with the response. However, the second you need someone to lift something, fix something, or fight someone then Dom was your guy. Specialization/Skills: Seems to have an affiliation for boxing and maintenance. Not entirely sure where he attained these skills from but, upon entering a fight, his natural reaction is to square up, both fists in a natural boxing pose. When it comes to maintenance, he seems to learn fairly quickly when it comes to vehicles, electrical systems, or plumping. Abilities: Can control his, or others, adrenaline at will. If he comes in physical contact with another person he can either give them a boost of adrenaline instantly or take away the adrenaline hit they may already be experiencing. When it come to his own adrenaline, it can get to the point of "berserking" him out. His body becomes stronger, reflexes quicker, and speed is heightened in this state. However, it lowers his reason and could potentially make him dangerous around others. Strengths: Is loyal, steadfast, and a protector of others Weaknesses: Would put himself at risk in order to protect another one. With such a decently hard exterior it is counter acted by his want to help others. Relationships/Family: Always willing to help the others, but normally doesn't enter into conversations with them to much unless prompted. The second they need his assistance though he will jump to the occasion and aid them. [/hider]