[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Med Bay[/center][hr] The boy wasn't moving much, and he looked like he was in a lot of pain. She knew that he probably wasn't going to move for a while. So she knew she wasn't interrupting Dorothy. The boy might try and leave, but she didn't think that the Captain would let him. [color=39b54a]"Hey, I found some medical kits while I was out at the mine. Was wondering if you could use anything out of them."[/color] She handed over the med kits that she had found down in the mines, even though she doubted there would be a lot in them. She wasn't exactly the doctor type, so she was only guessing on that. The kits it turned out only had simple first aid things. [i]Oh well, I wasn't expecting much from them anyway.[/i] She was about to walk away, when she saw something underneath the medical supplies. [i]Oh you have got to be kidding me! Why does there always have to be something weird. Knowing things this has a tracker or something in it. Who the hell would put something important into a first aid kit![/i] She just looked at the little box that was there. She was starting to get curious about what was in it, but she knew they should probably tell the Captain about it first. That box was strangely out of place, especially considering the area that she found it in. It was found in a med kit, that was in a mine, there was no way that it should have been there. [color=39b54a]"Uh, I think we should show this to the Captain,"[/color] she said to Dorothy, looking at the box they had found.