[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Chapter%20Two%3A%20Retribution&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=50&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3][b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Sunday May 21th, 2017[/h3][/center][center][hr] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@Scallop] [@Nallore] [@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] [@Morose] - Ronnie just nods and holds his hands up in defeat before wandering to his place and stashing the stash for Tuesday. Looking over to her as he returns he chuckles. "Like I even know how to drive," he said shaking his head a bit and gathering his shit to head out. "Let's go see you sister, want to check up on her anyways and then maybe I can find out who to tap at the coroners office," he says before heading out for the bus. It wouldn't take too long to get over to Boston Heights. Taking a seat at the back of the bus he keeps an eye out as he always seems to, the usual ruffians are on the bus but nothing is standing out currently. [@Dragoknighte] - Relic smirks a bit as he keeps driving around. "Yeah, that isn't a bad idea but I just got it a little bit ago. I want to check some things out. Heading down to the old department of records right now. I want to check out a few things but the city is so slow to get the older stuff put into the computers and online that I haven't been able to find what I am looking for. The place is open to the public and no one goes down there anymore these days. Like who besides some geek study architecture is really going to check shit in the city planning departments archives these days?" he says as he slips the pendant back in his pocket. "I found a picture of Peyton before she died with her sister and they had something similar they found on a dig. I know I have seen the object before here in the city I just can't remember where." [@Sigil] - Well nothing happens with the business card other than the paper warming up a little. The door to the conference room had closed simply enough as Elizabeth got back to work on things she needed to do and shortly after she was seen leaving the facility and climbing into a waiting limo at the front. There a few nameless security folk that Alicia had brought in that she had hired before she had died. They are wandering the building and doing the usual security checks. For things seem calm - other than the Test message that Caesar got from Cecily about needing to keep ahold of Alicia's and Lorna's bodies for a bit because there was a break in the case. [@Nallore] - Things seem quiet, at least on the home front. The computer is full of the usual stuff on Riley's pages - asking if she is okay, wondering why she is there, some saying she is part of it, or that she is only there so she can get attention. Time passes and such but it is still quiet. That is until there is a knock at the door. "Cecily, you there?" a voice asks, a familiar voice. It is Detective Gregory. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Club%20AfterDark&name=SATAM___.ttf&size=30&style_color=ed1c24[/img][hr][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr] Club AfterDark, a shit hole of a bar slash club in the DeadLight district of Justice. A hole in the wall with nothing but boarded up windows a the front and a lot of graffiti. The place had been there for decades, turning over hands from one person to another; handed down over the generations. Inside the walls were covered with layers of band flyers for local music, staples still in the walls from ages ago. A long bar along the middle of the room, a few tables but mostly open space in the center and a stage with a cage around it in the back. Along each wall was a row of booths, stained tables with broken open cushions in the seats. The floor was sticky as was the bar top from many decades of smoke, sweat, booze, and blood. The place was hard but it was popular. The underground in scene. At the door was the usual line, already forming for the night to come. People didn't care that the place didn't open for a couple more hours, they wanted to get in and to do that meant you had to show up early. Freddy, the bars main muscle was standing there in his pimped out blue velvet suit and suede shoes of matching hue. The man looked like a joke, or he would have if it weren't for the 6'5 height and the weight of around 270lbs. The man was a brick shit out with a grin on his cheeks that was far to bright and happy for someone in his line of work but hey, Freddy made it work. [url=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mamn63OKQf1rrpsd7.gif]Freddy[/url] had worked as the main security for the bar for the last ten years after a 5 year stent in prison for Manslaughter charges. Fucker stole his Big Mac, you never try to steal a mans Big Mac. Inside at the back corner booth near the office sat the owner of the club, [url=https://66.media.tumblr.com/cff3dad314f8bb4e88e0798f9c7ba00c/tumblr_oapezhDaPs1vt28ybo1_500.gif]Trisha Burnmore[/url]. The club had been hers since her mothers murder over two decades before. Trisha was known to be a hard ass, she didn't put up with anything. She didn't care about the illegal shit that went down as long as the cops didn't bust the place up. Her patrons did that enough. From drugs, to illegal weapons, to prostitution. It all went through Club AfterDark and Ms Burnmore took her more than fair cut of the profits. While a hardass she wouldn't tolerate cruelty though and it was known if shit got started in her place they would pay the price. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Natasha Brinne[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/d9c4aebdb9933692128f69ed2de003ad/tumblr_inline_movw32A1d11qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Coroners Office: Autopsy[/center][hr] Natasha stood there looking at the bodies as Cecily said she would let Caesar know about the bodies needing to be held for a longer time than what had been expected. [color=f26522]"Thank you,"[/color] she said twice, with a bit of a pause between. Once for the call/text and one for the hair dryer. Plugging it in she went over to Alicia's water logged body. [color=f26522]"You know, humidity can be a real pain with bodies decomposing. It speeds it up. Pulling a body out of water makes it even worse. Granted things are not as bad here as they were in Jaipur. I watched a tech there in their morgue do this once so they could actually get the deceased's finger prints dried off enough to be able to make an identification. Thing is, we know who she is. We want to know who killed her. See this bruising around her neck? That took a lot to do of someone of her skin tone and apparent build. This took a lot of force. Normally things get washed away in the water but our skin is funny. It has amino acids and oils in it, it deposits and unless we scrub after something like this, it can be left behind,"[/color] she said as she turned on the hair dryer and started fan it carefully over Alicia's neck for a bit. Once the skin had dried out some what she used a scalpel to make a cut to take out a long patch of skin from the woman's neck. Laying the skin down on a set of gauze she pinned it down with the blade of two more scalpels. Turning the hair dryer back on she kept drying out the skin until it became taunt but wasn't yet shriveling up. Turning it off she let out a long breath. [color=f26522]"So, think you can see if you can find a finger print on that now?"[/color] she asked as she looked over towards Cecily. It wasn't exactly an orthodox way of prepping human skin to get a finger print off of it. She had seen others use finger print dust before but she warned Cecily quickly that could smudge whatever remained. Perking a brow she remembered an old movie she had watched when she was in Jaipur. [color=f26522]"Does that super glue trick really work?"[/color] she asked as she glanced towards Cecily and then at the piece of skin. (Pm for results) [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Risa Couri[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/fAfg6URztG4Y8/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Safe House[/center][hr] Risa nodded slightly before resting her head back down on his chest and sighing deeply. This was not how she expected things to go down when they got to Justice. They had a job to do but now the company wanted her dead and Lucas wasn't going to follow that order; so that meant he would be in their crosshairs as well. She worried that Roy would turn on them but right then she had to at least place a little trust in the man. If he had gotten the same message and hadn't put a bullet through her skull yet she at least was considering letting her live. The fact he was leaving them alone with so many firearms was another thing that placed her trust in him. Just the smallest amount and she wouldn't hesitate to slit his throat if it was needed to keep her and Lucas safe. Giving Lucas a bit of a squeeze before she turned and wandered over to the pistols. She wasn't good with rifles, never had really trained with them but she knew pistols. That was mostly thanks to Lucas though. He had helped trained her with them. Granted looking back now she wondered how much of that was wanting to actually help her and how much of it was an excuse to keep his hands on her and others hands off of her. He seemed to enjoy adjusting her stance far more than he probably should have back in the beginning, through she knew she enjoyed it more than she should have let herself. Picking up a few she walked back over to the bed and sat down, laying down on a towel over the sheets as she started to take them apart and clean them; checking them as she went. She wanted to make sure when the time came that everything was in order and they wouldn't have to worry about anything sticking or jamming on them. At least making sure as much as she could. She was quick and nimble with each weapon, her eyes focusing on each one but form time to time she would lift her eyes and look over to Lucas, that sad smile still on her lips as she did. She was worried but she felt it was better to let herself worry now, she doubted she would have the luxury later. [color=a187be]"You know, I am feeling better,"[/color] she said as she finished with a Beretta and shoved the clip back in. Pulling everything back into place her eyes sparkled a bit as they moved over to his. [color=a187be]"Think maybe you could cut these stitches out?"[/color] she said as she turned around and lifted up the back of her shirts to reveal the bare skin of her back. The skin had healed well enough not to need them anymore but they still needed to be cut out. [color=a187be]"Shit is starting to itch like crazy..."[/color]