The two of them emerged from the room an hour later. They were greeted by Ezra's comrades who where whistling at the two of them. They yelled their congratulations in unison and he couldn't help but blush a bit. Had this been a few months ago he'd probably be fighting an elimantion match with Harrod or Joshua again. He'd be starving and he'd be someone that he didn't recognize. The memories of the past haunted him daily, but he did his best to hide it from everybody. "I better be standing next to you at the wedding. I know it's not traditional but we can branch out a bit," Isiah said pulling his friend into a hug then giving one to Marta, "Atalia is so excited she's already begun sketching a dress design for you. Maybe the four of us can wed together." Harrod spoke up next, "The Rabbi sent word that he's begun husband journey down here. It will take him a few days to ensure that he isn't followed. We have our best men out guiding him here. When she converts we will recognize your relationship as true," he said speaking for the people that still found it hard to think a Jewish man would take a non Jewish women at a time like this. Ezra nodded. The tensions had been a bit high with Marta around, but a majority of the people had grown to enjoy her here. Her and Atalia eased the fights between them all since nobody wanted to start a brawl in front of the two of them. It made things easier to handle. "Thank you all for the support and for the help in setting up. Let's all get into the dinning room and celebrate how things have started looking up. We are not out of this battle yet, but one day soon I plan on going to every single one of your weddings," Ezra said as he and Marta lead them all to dinner.