He felt his body going limp - heavy, and then it all went black. He felt himself sinking, quickly, but soon, he lost conciousness. Even if he had been the most powerful man in the world, compared to the might of the sea - his strength was but a drop in an ocean. He got janked up, and soon, he emerged from the darkness he found himself in, a bright light cut through the black, and his eyes slid open, as a elbow found it's way inbetween his ribs, making him cough up a little bit of water. He grabbed onto the metal chains to his side. "Thanks." Chester said, simply, as he looked at Lina. "I'm gonna beat that damn ghost up." --- "Hey, what you two doing in the water? Lina, you're not trying to move in on da captain, are ya?" Kuhn asked, as he and Macario emerged with a tower full of boxes on the small rowboat - the boat was packed well beyond it's capacity, almost taking in water due to how overloaded it was, but Kuhn had decided the two needed a lot of stuff, so they had bought an absurd amount of proviants and tools. "What you talking about, Kuhn? There's a ghost on the boat. Threw us off! I'm gonna kick it's ass!" Chester said, as Kuhn raised an eyebrow. "He been drinking?.. I mean.. You know what I meant. What is he talking about?" The gunner asked, as he looked as Chester pulled himself up with one hand from the metal links, soaring through the air as he landed on the deck. "YOU GET OFF MY BOAT! I FOUGHT TOOTH AND NAIL TO REPAIR THIS SHIP. ME AND LINA HAVE PUT OUR VERY SOUL INTO THIS DAMN BOAT, AND WE'RE NOT GONNA LET SOME PIECE OF SHIT GHOST CHASE US OFF!" He shouted, as he saw the hands emerge from the ground.