Now that Marta knew she would be converting, her nerves heightened. She knew this is what she wanted, but the process is intense. She had to memorize a passage from the Torah in Hebrew, and she would be reciting it in front of everyone. She practiced every day, every chance she got, with Atalia to perfect her Hebrew. They studied in private, Marta wanted to impress everyone with her knowledge, especially Ezra. She knew he had to use a lot of his power to make this happen. And if he was just some random guy it wouldn't have happened, but being the leader of the Resistance, he had to leverage. In the morning of her conversion, Marta woke before the sun even rose. She was just anxious and excited. She glanced over at Ezra, smiling at his sleeping form. She placed a butterfly kiss on his lips, before rolling out of bed. She left a note saying she would be in Atalia's room all day and would see him at the synagogue later. She felt like it was her wedding day, she didn't want Ezra to see her until she was officially a Jewish woman. She snuck into Atalia's room, her friend still sound asleep. Marta just sat in her chair going out her notes for the ceremony. Finally once Atalia was up, she helped Marta get ready. She did her hair, pulling it back into a loose bun, tendrils falling loosely, framing her face. She put on her nicest, but still conversation, dress, allowing her necklace of the Star of David to sit atop of the fabric. When she felt ready, her and Atalia made their way down to the compound's make-shift synagogue. They walked through the back door, staying in the back behind the curtain that hung as part of the decor to make the place look more presentable. She peeked through the curtain and saw almost all the men gathering, taking their seats. Ezra and Isiah sat in the front row, talking casually to each other. Marta felt the butterflies in her stomach go crazy, and she had to take a few calming breaths. "You will be wonderful" Atalia said, reaching over and kissing Marta on both cheeks before going out and taking her seat next to Isiah. The rabbi had spoken with her yesterday, explaining the process. He would start the ceremony off with a prayer then ask Marta to come onto the stage. So Marta waited patiently as the rabbi began, and when it was her time, she came out from behind the curtain and stepped up onto the platform that the men built for this occasion. She walked up to the table, where the Torah was laying out ready for her. She glanced up at Ezra before beginning to recite her passage in perfect Hebrew. She got through it without a glitch, and her smile was huge as she finished. Afterwards, the rabbi brought her over to a smaller table and had her light her first Shabbat candle and break the challah bread. Once finished, the rabbi welcomed her to the faith and everyone began clapping. Marta was finally Jewish. After the ceremony, Marta had to go speak with the rabbit, before she was finally free. She walked into the mass of people, many congratulating her, shaking her hand, even a few men hugging her. Marta was thrilled to see the few men who had been skeptical of her, were finally acknowledging her presence. She finally weaved through the crowd until she spotted Ezra. She ran up and into his arms, kissing him deeply. "Thank you" she whispered softly as she pulled back. That thank you had so many meanings. She was thanking him for finding a rabbi, for accepting that she wanted to do this, for supporting and loving. For everything.