[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2Ljg1NDI0Yy5TMmx1WjJSdmJTQm1kV3hzSUc5bS4wAAAAAAAA/queen-of-heaven.regular.png[/img] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/30765860/large.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2Ljg1NDI0Yy5VSEpsWkdGMGIzSnouMAAAAAAAAAAA/queen-of-heaven.regular.png[/img][/center] [h3][b][color=gray][color=3A3590]ω[/color]є[color=3A3590]ℓ[/color]¢[color=3A3590]σ[/color]м[color=3A3590]є[/color] тσ єѕтєℓη[/color][/b][/h3] [indent][color=silver]A Kingdom hidden in the midst of fog as the cold air and eerie atmosphere keeps many outsiders from visiting. This isn’t a place that you go to for a bit of traveling or trading unless you are a man or woman with jewels that they desire. Most of the commoners there rarely smile in public for the fear of seeming weak and women wear dresses that fall to the ground and look down while they walk, afraid of seeming seductive to any men. Men must wear fierce gazes and protect their children from any ruthless men that seek trouble. The Kingdom by the name of Esteln is a nightmare and so is the queen. The Queen of Esteln is Altevier Rolen the V. Most would expect a man to take the thrown but her father wasn't a man with reliable mistresses and he actually trusted her with this role the most. Her father was a decent man. Smiled and visited the poorer parts of his kingdom in hopes to help the kingdom blossom into a wonderful place. However, that was 20 years ago and now the king is a man with far too much power than he should have been given. When he walks into a room, not only do people fall to their knees in loyalty but for the sake of their trembling fear. When she stepped up to serve, her first order of business was to evaluate what business could gain the most income. In this kingdom, you could not rise up against the king without proper forces and even then, a war against the queen wasn’t one many found to be worth it. With his guards that were said to be even worse than him, it was a fight that lead to nothing but blood. And not royal blood. Though she was a horrid man, she was a loved one nonetheless. Loved by the men and women that were weak minded and found that they needed a leader such as her to protect their homes because rest assured, when a war is needed, a war [i]will[/i] be waged. [/color][/indent] [h3][b][color=gray][color=3A3590]т[/color]н[color=3A3590]є[/color] вυѕιηєѕѕ σƒ єѕтєℓη[/color][/b][/h3] [indent][color=silver]Human trafficking is something that has gone on throughout most of history. If there is a way for greedy people to make money - even a corrupt one -, then human trafficking is a small price to pay. Especially if they're not the one paying. The king that ruled 20 years ago wasn't someone to allow such a thing to go on in his kingdom. But the queen is someone that encourages it and has created a well-known name for himself in this honorless and impure business. The queen isn't actually in charge of everything. In fact, she leaves most of it up to his warriors and normal guards that are loyal to them. Almost all of them have undergone a test to prove their loyalty and you'll never hear what the deed was from their lips. The ones that have to undergo such procedures, however, are only men of high clearance and [i]some[/i] women. Queen Alteviar is sexist albeit being a woman herself and doesn't believe women to be trusted or hold the ability to fight but she has made exceptions in her life. If they had human trafficking anniversaries, it would be nearing their 21st anniversary by now. From the time that queen Alteviar saw the first shipment of 100 women and men enter the kingdom in a large ship to the now, a time where even commoners know what is happening but don't dare to speak. They've tried reporting the queen to higher authorities but never underestimate what queen Altavier can and will do to get what she wants.[/color][/indent]