[@Wick][@MrZerkon] Rick looked back at Nora and swallowd. Ben's idea wasn't that bad but it would mean theh would have to leave. [color=39b54a]"of you want to leave we shall Nora, but I don't think it will be good for us if we are forced to move again and ahain, fleeing from his clutches. We can join hands and flight. Remember that niece of mine I once told you about, the reporter that Grant ia after right now, she posesses one of the three weapons used to kill Dracula back in the 1800. I am sure we can we can try to track down the other weapons and kill him again with them" [/color] Rick said, wrapping his hand around her shoulder. He as well feared that his wife would be ripped away from him. [color=39b54a]" Nora, teach me how to use my vampire powers. I have yet to figure out how-to-vamp"[/color] He grinned akward, admitting he was but a youngling with no experience. [hr] Later that day, Nora had left again with Ben. He sat alone in his chair, drinking slowly from a glass of fresh blood. His phone vibrated, and as he read the text he rushed out of the house, his little wife needed him again. He felt usefull and happy again.