Yo, I figured I'd give an introduction. I'm known as "Shoryu Magami" by most people who've met me. After taking a 5 minute look at this forum, I can tell I'm what would be considered an "Advanced" role-player, since I definitely don't do the whole single line or couple of sentence type of posts unless it's something like goofing around on messenger (joke RP, essentially), so I'm basing this mostly off the way the site seems to categorize the topics. I'm also someone who does a lot of battle-orientated role-play and I've been considered quite proficient at it, but that's probably not something I'll get into on this site for multiple reasons. To be completely honest, I only really joined this forum because I've only just recently gotten access to a working PC again that I can reliably RP on, and I haven't been in the scene much for a good few years now. With a PC that works (well, works by my stands of having abysmally bad luck with technology), I wanted to get rid of the rust a bit, per se. Unfortunately, a good majority of the people from my RP circle have left role-playing in the time that I've been away, and in general there's been a steady decline in forum role-playing for years now anyway, so I figured I'd join here for the time being. Whether or not I actually get into some role-playing here, and how much, is really undecided. I sort of just joined the forum on a whim, even if being whimsical is pretty out of character for me. Anyway, I've been a storyteller basically my whole life, though I only started doing text-based role-playing somewhere in the region of a bit over 10 years ago (couldn't tell you exactly, since I deleted the account I first used on the initial RP forum I joined, but definitely over 10 years), since I didn't even have a PC until that point (unlike a lot of people I seem to run into, I didn't have a PC since I was a toddler, and while it might be different here I'm usually fairly old compared to the other role-players I meet). I'm actually less known for forum role-playing though, and more known for the major story project I've been working on that could in many ways be considered my life's work and my soul, which is called "Guardian Ascension". Though I started out my forum role-playing on a couple of fan-based forums, beginning with a couple of Final Fantasy ones, for the most part I only role-play exclusively using the setting of that project of mine I just mentioned, and I've actually run multiple forums related to it in the past, with full intentions of creating another one in the very near future. That's one of a few reasons I don't know how much you'll see of me, since my passion for writing is honestly tied very closely to my passion for my project and I lose interest very quickly when I write using outside settings. I've also assisted a few other people's role-playing forums as a part of the staff in the past too or just offering general support, and I've been told by people I make an exceptional GM, but, like I said, I don't know how much of this you'll see here. I just wanted to give a more solid introduction of myself, rather than the usual one line intro that a lot of people use. For those of you who actually decide to take the time out to read this (I'm fairly aware of the fact that I make long posts and I don't particularly intend on watering myself down for anyone), nice to meet you.