[h3][center][b][color=goldenrod]Sena'Raan vas Alarei[/color][/b][/center][/h3] Sena wasn't used to these kinds of debriefings ... Octavus largely left her to tinker with things in the lab, she was a support role, not a front-lines type and, well, he was rather protective of her. Still, she couldn't help but think that their debriefing was very very brief indeed to say the least. She wondered what exactly they expected her to do ... She wasn't military trained, very little experience ... she could make a bomb in a pinch and work wonders with tech and could pilot a ship as easy as breathing but shooting holes in bad-guys? ... Not particularly her forte btu she was a fast learner. Arlus had a point ... this sounded like a suicide run. To her surprise, Reezan seemed netiher surprised nor non-plussed about it... He was rather scathing toward his teammate, she hoped it wouldn't cause problems later on in the mission considering they were now a haphazard team of sorts. [b][color=goldenrod]"He's not usually quite so scathing ... I'm sorry Arlus"[/color][/b] she apologised, hoping there wouldn't be bad vibes between the two team-members. [b][color=goldenrod]"This crew is made up of criminals ... bandits and pirates and smugglers ... Surely your life was at risk in your previous profession ... try think of this as just another job, perhaps that would help"[/color][/b] When Hawke asked if there were any questions, she had only one. [b][color=goldenrod]"I will need some supplies for my work, theres bound to be a shady dealer lurking around the Terminus system that will have the parts I need, will you be able to make a stop? It will only be brief."[/color][/b]