[quote=@Vulture585] Toto growls quietly at his mistress' apparent disinterest. [i]"Madam, do you always respond to threats with such...passivity?"[/i] He asks Rebekah telepathically. [/quote] [h2][color=00a651]Rebekah Green[/color][/h2] [color=39b54a]"No, Toto, I don't"[/color] Rebekah said, this time turning to face the dragon at her feet (the jerky's growth slowed significantly).[color=00a651]"I will respond in time, but remember that there are other, more capable people responding as we speak, that you yourself have just confirmed to me that there is no longer any immediate threat, and that I'm trying to help out someone else here. I'm going to be a hero. That's what we do." "You may call yourself The One, The Only, but you'll have to realise that actually, you're not the only one who can make demands on my attention, and that sometimes, other things will come first. OK?"[/color] Rebekah paused a moment, and found that she was leaning over Toto, hands on hips and breathing much more deeply than she had been. Perhaps an apology was in order. [color=00a651]"I'm sorry, Toto, that was too harsh"[/color] she said, dropping her hands and leaning back. [color=00a651]"Perhaps all that craziness affected me more than I thought. Just give me a moment to finish up here and grab my things, then we can go and I'll think about what to do next. Is that better?"[/color]