[centre][h1][b][color=8dc73f]Connor[/color][/b][/h1][/centre] Connor frowned as he glanced over the store, trying to find the isle's he wanted. The hardest part about never staying in a place Long was never knowing where anything was in a store. Finally, he heaved a sigh, and started to simply look about, very nearly walking into an older woman, he muttered an apology, glancing away, he caught sight of what must be the woman's daughter, and for a moment he seemed to stand still, before he moved out their way. He went to the fruit as if that had been his destination all along, rather then going for the nearest candy isle. He supposed he should get some fruit. Healthy diet and all that. He stood there for a moment, as if trying to decide when the last time was that he had had fruit. Was it last Thursday? He had been running low on supplies for a little while. So, with a sigh, he grabbed some grapes, a couple of bananas and some apples, putting them in his basket. He was sure he might be getting a few strange kind-a stranger for starters, school aged (never mind the fact Connor had graduated a year early), willingly buying fresh fruit? He shook his head, grabbing some fresh bread as well, grabbing some fresh vegetables as well. Maybe he'd make a stew. With that in mind, Connor grabbed some meat, occasionally glancing around him, a part of him unconsciously wanting to catch another glance of the girl. There was just something about her...Connor didn't know what, but he found his thoughts drifting to her, as he continued to shop. A faint hint of eucalyptus seemed to float around his senses. He gave a sigh, running a hand through his hair at his own foolishness. He'd only glanced at the girl, just a quick glance as he moved away from her and her mother. He shouldn't be so taken with her... He didn't even know if he would be staying in the town. He had been moving from town to town since his fathers death, never staying in one place long. There had seemed no point. Why would red lake be any different? He gave another sigh, giving another glance around as he went to pay, the small stock of supplies he now had well provisioning him for the next few days.