[@liferusher][@Cyrania][@JackalopeLove][@KoL][@Fetzen][@Bright_Ops][@Raizin][@Ayemdar][@Vec][@Legion02][@Ashevelendar] GM Mass PM, All right; so I'm finally online. I'm going to break the quests down using a randomizer. Of course, First Party gets priority. Since I believe the First Party tank has left the game, that opens his slot up to the tank of Second Party. This will move Shama Molokai to First Party and when [@Zelosse] gets Lockheart all edited and such, then she'll be the second party tank. I apologize to [@Legion02] because poor Salzar is still alone in Third Party lol, but I'm certain that it won't be for long. But yes, I'll have the Quest Roster posted here in a few minutes to give everyone a mental picture of how this is all going to go, which will hopefully, fix any confusion.