[center][b]Haruhi Suzumori~First Member of Kirigakure Team 14~[/b][/center] Haruhi acted first, moving quickly to a space in a tree that overlooked the entrance to the fourth training field. She stayed high on alert in case her sensei was watching her again and waited for whichever unlucky teammate of hers was to come next. [b]"Why does sensei have me ambushing a fellow teammate? I don't really understand what lesson can be learned from this."[/b] She thought to herself. Her intentions were clear then. She would follow orders and just scare the hell out of the next person that came...it seemed like a good idea but how would she go about doing it? She could use her long range attack and shock them, or should she get up close and attack from behind while they spoke with their teacher. Either way, she felt stuck in a place she didn't want to be. Sandwiched between her stubbornness of not wanting to follow her sensei's orders and wanting to learn more of what it was really like to be a shinobi. She stood there in the cover of the trees, having made up her mind on exactly what to do. Right now she wouldn't think of consequences, she wouldn't think of the what if's. She would just do what she needed to, and learn from whatever unfolded because of it. She reached behind her to the pouch that held her whip securely on her person and took it out. She linked the handle's strap around her thin wrist and clutched it tightly, the cool metal feel calmed her as she crouched and waited for her time to reveal herself. She felt herself becoming excited as if she was waiting for some kind of enemy to come out of hiding and leave themselves wide open. She smiled, knowing it was going to fun seeing how her teammate would react. She would have to move fast, well she was really fast, but to ensure she actually did her job, she had to move as fast and as quiet as she could.