[@NekoMizu] Ah, so that's how you guys are doing this. Cheers. Like I said to a few people, the primary thing holding my project up is thousands of notepads worth of information that needs to be sorted and collected in order to write it effectively, and along the way quite a lot of my data has been lost due to those technology problems, so it could be a while before I'm truly ready to bring it out in any official sense. I've been trying to boost my morale lately, due to it being made worse by the most decent bunch of info that got lost, which is why I'm pushing myself to get back into the RP scene again since that usually helps. Once it's ready to properly bring out though, I do imagine it would end up being like a light novel series, like I mentioned earlier. The WordPads I've currently been writing all the drafts of my episodes into could very easily convert into something of a series of light novels when the time comes to turn them into physical copies of some sort. In fact, that was more or less the plan, as I explained.