[center][h1][b][i][color=87CEFA] Amber May[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4e6386d812032b91c73953f826fbd499/tumblr_o5pd8hwN1U1rqn31vo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Alec [@POOHEAD189] [hr] Cancer was a terrible thing. Amber hadn't been overly involved in the conversation but with the group talking closeby she could not hear anything, right. Not that she had lost anyone seriously close to the disease, not as far as she could remember at least, but she could help but feel sympathetic for the woman she would inevitably meet soon enough. She said a silent prayer for the woman before looking at the group, Claire introducing her friends to one another. Amber, admittedly, felt like an outsider in the hotel. Everyone here seemed to know, well, someone. Amber was another story. Amber's gaze then came to Alc, the good-looking guy. Not that Amber would she thought so, not so easily at least. He seemed to hover over the others at a slight distance, not quite included in the meet-and-greet. She slipped out of her seat, stretching slightly in the process to wake her body up from its two minute doze, and parked herself next to the almost-birthday-boy. [color=87CEFA]"Looks lik' we've been left out o' this catch up, ay pal?"[/color] she whispers to him jokingly, hoping the others would hear and misplace her joke for bitterness. [color=87CEFA]"Ay ne'er asked, whit brings ye 'ere?"[/color]