Ugh. Finally done with Aiden. Will try to finish Lilith tonight. [@A Tattooed Girl] [hider=Finito] [center] [h1][color=f26522][i][b]Aiden Iri[/b][/i][/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=Pic] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=f26522][i]"Today is as good as any to die."[/i][b] -Unknown[/b][/color][/center] [center][url=] ~Life is a highway - Tom Cochrane [/url] [color=f26522]||[/color] [url=] ~Born to be wild - Steppenwolf[/url][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Specs] [center][h3][color=f26522][i]Specs[/i][/color][/h3][/center] 🔥 [color=f26522]Full Name[/color] 🔥 [indent]Aiden Iri[/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Nickname[/color] 🔥 [indent]Uhhh... [i]see above.[/i][/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Sex Identification[/color] 🔥 [indent]Male, straight.[/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Birth-date[/color] 🔥 [indent]4 May 2323 ; 24yo[/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Place of Birth[/color] 🔥 [indent]Anchorage, AK[/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Additional Info[/color] 🔥 [indent]6'2"; 194 lbs; lean build [/indent] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=History] [center][h3][color=f26522][i]History[/i][/color][/h3][/center] 🔥 [color=f26522]Rebel or Regime?[/color] 🔥 [indent][b]REBEL[/b][/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Pokemon Companion[/color] 🔥 [indent]Eithina, an Eevee[/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]History with Pokemon[/color] 🔥 [indent]Found Eithina a few years back, running from some regime thugs. Abandoned in a alley, beat to hell; I couldn't just leave her there. Course, I always knew how to take care of animals, what with me growing up on a farm an' all. Fixing her up was no trouble. As for her fear of others, we're still workin' on that. As for now, I keep her safe, she keeps me company. Anyway that's the short of it."[/indent] 🔥[color=f26522] Short Biography[/color] 🔥 [indent]"I was taught since birth to defend my principles, what I saw right, on pain of death. Both my ma and pa believed this, lived it. All well and good, 'til they were killed for it. Bunch of regime assholes sayin' the farm wasn't producing enough and that they would have to take it over. Course they took it in the end anyways. With nothin' but the blood of my loved ones holding me to the land, I ran. I was...probably fifteen at the time. Been runnin' ever since, looking for a chance to avenge my kin and all the others the regime has wronged." [i]Aiden lived on a miltank / cattle farm in his early years. Despite the regime's tight grasp on everything, it was perhaps the only way people had any freedom at the time. The regime, with a very watchful eye, allowed Aiden's family to live outside the city, on regime government land populated by regime animals.[/i][/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Persona[/color] 🔥 [indent]Aiden is a driven spirit, more-so than many others. His belief is that a man's only worth the sweat on his brow and the strength of his back. That is to say, he believes strongly in the power of hard work. Before his parents' death, he had drive. Though his past changed him, it did not break him. The regime gave him purpose, a target to focus his energy on. He is adamantly opposed to doing anything 'the lazy way', especially if it achieves a less reliable result. More generally, Aiden is a man of principle. He does his best to live the way his parents saw fit. Above all, he strives to be an honest individual. Lying for personal gain does not sit well with him; he will rarely resort to such behavior. However, he will do anything to keep his friends safe, be it lie, kill, cheat, or steal. Aiden is a resilient spirit. He is discouraged very little. He always finds a way to work around his problems, which makes him a quite skillful 'builder' (here 'builder' is used to mean, one who makes useful objects out of less useful objects). Rooting in his experience with farm equipment, Aiden enjoys tinkering with anything he can find. Mostly, in this day and age, his knowledge has been implemented to build defensive equipment -rudimentary bombs, handheld weapons, and other lethal instruments. He can most easily take something apart, clean it, put it back together, and tell you how it works, regardless of how complex.[/indent] 🔥 [color=f26522]Physical Description[/color] 🔥 [indent]At 6'2" and 221 lbs, it would be most apt to describe Aiden as a ball of muscle. Constant wrench turning, along with the exercise gained from evading regime troops, has kept him in peak physical condition. Because razors are a rare find in the post-regime streets, Aiden's sandy hair fluctuates between long and shaven for fairly equal but unpredictable intervals. As of now, it is around four inches in length, left messy and unkempt. His dark brown eyes appear gaunt, weathered.[/indent] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Pokepal!!!] [center][h3][color=ed1c24][i]Eithina[/i][/color][/h3][/center] [hider=Aaawwww...] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Personality:[/color] Eithina is a tough spirit, adaptable to almost any situation she encounters with ease. Her mental toughness is her foundation and has much to do with where she is today. She is also incredibly intelligent for a pokemon, able to understand even complex commands. She enjoys volunteering in Aiden's builds, often by acting as a "go-fer". She is somewhat able to interpret English numbers, though only ones with very little variance (IE, not hand-written). Though she is very proficient alone, she has a personality like an uncontrollable fire, making teamwork more difficult. She is very competitive, aggressive even, and resorts quickly to fighting. She is also very reluctant to form good relationships, be it with new people or new pokemon. Despite her shortcomings, Eithina is very protective of those she considers a friend. [color=ed1c24]Appearance:[/color] Apart from a standard Eevee, Eithina has a small portion of the tip of her left ear torn off. Additionally, she wears a red scarf, which she is never seen without. [/hider] [/hider]