[@Quinntessential][@DrunkasaurusRex][@BCTheEntity][@TemplarKnight07][@Hank] Phant turned just in time to see the machinery, and indeed to see Nakera, begin to short circuit; he [i]felt[/i] the heat and shards of metal and glass hit him at various points, his thick clothing and armour protecting him from the worst of it, a large shard hammering off of his helmet in a mirror of his previous head injury all those years ago. "....Aaah...we gotta go NOW!" The Krieger gave a nod to Kaicero as he dusted himself down with one gloved hand, slinging his las-gun over one shoulder and advancing on one side of the tech-adept; as gently as they could, the two mercenaries - the veteran and the adrenaline seeking fop - lifted the bleeding form to her feet and guided her out into the corridor. Standing there were three of the other guns-for-hire, one clutching the pirate captain's de-activated power sword as she made the argument for returning to the drop pods. "That won't work," breathed the Guardsman as she finished, "the pods are designed for swift insertion, there is no way to back them or us out of here." It was then that a small crackle hissed in the ear-pieces of every surviving member of the mercenary band, each given an ear-comm before the mission had began, and now each being contacted on the same channel. "This is Ordos Thran gun-cutter seven-two-five," came the deep voice of one of the conglomerates pilot, "we are making our descent now, please make your way to the roof and prepare for departure." Kaicero couldn't help but smile, something Phant would have done if he had been emotionally able, and after looking to each of the group he spoke again - "well, shall we go." [hr] Outside of the colony the weather was terrible, the wind roaring and howling about them, the gun-cutter a mass of metal and flaring engines as it came to land on the square rooftop of the comm-hub building. Figures in yellow carapace and duller yellow fatigues emerged from the belly of the ship, weapons held at the ready, their masked face betraying nothing but their agitated hand gestures beckoning the group over to the growling machine and up the ramp. Within the hold there was enough room for all the mercenaries that had been sent down, and more even, but it appeared that only a fraction of their number would leave the colony - some having reappeared as the ship landed to join up with their small group. Phant only let go of the injured Nakera when he was asked by a stern-looking medicae, giving her up grudgingly and taking a seat from where he could see the death throes of the settlement; it went up like a ball of plasma, which it essentially what it was at that point, the reactors finally giving in and vaporising everything that the Ordos Thran had worked so hard to achieve, as the cutter swung up into the atmosphere and back toward the void of space. [Hider=PLEASE READ] So, part one is over...I hope you enjoyed it, and now we can move on to bigger and hopefully better things. Feel free to post yourself hauling backside to the cutter, taking a relaxing beverage on the cutter, waiting for all of it to blow over (or up). Soon enough we'll be back in action, so also feel free to wait until I make another post - essentially the debriefing post - or post before that. Any questions, gimme a shout.[/hider]