As everyone started to gather, they were welcomed to the High school by the headmaster arceus as well as his left and right hand assistants Dialga and Palkia, they gave a short speech about They looked forward to seeing everyone's progress and how they was thankful to both students and Teachers for attending yet another year at Gijinka high. Arceus explained that if you wished to discuss any changes to rooms you had to speak to Palkia and that you could find her at the space tower. Dialga would be holding the combat classes later this evening, and for now every new student would attend to Homeroom in the largest class room of the main building. How to get there was simple... first corridor, first door to the left... in fact, it din't matter which door you picked at all of the left corridor doors led to the same place. The older students would attend their schedules and soon after introducing all the teachers for all the subjects everyone was sent on their separate ways. [hr] Lucas felt rather relieved that the speech was short, he was quite curious to find out everything there was to know about this place that clearly didn't have just one dimension to go around. He didn't really feel the need to make any changes to his room, and he had the suspicion there was some kind of catch to doing it... Still it seemed their first class would be homeroom, one he didn't quite mind as it made a bit of sense to start off on the lighter side. He Headed off to the main building nad didn't wase too much time loitering around before turning down that left corridor and opening the first door to reveal the classroom.