[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7vqe3y0i81rsy50k.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Med Bay Exterior[/center][hr][hr][color=4dffa6]"Always,"[/color] Dorothy replied, smiling as she searched through the kits. There were plenty of useful supplies, and with how much of their resources she had to use on that day, Dorothy couldn't help but be grateful. That was one of the factors that determined whether or not someone would live more often, in her opinion, than the ability of their doctor--whether or not they had the materials they needed. Removing the useful materials, Dorothy sorted them into piles, ready to put them into her organization. That was until she noticed the box with the Alliance seal, a familiar one. Dorothy let out a heavy sigh, looking at the box. [color=4dffa6]"Jing chai..."[/color] she muttered, attempting to pry it open carefully. It didn't budge, and she figured that one of the more criminally inclined members of the crew would be able to open it. Dorothy nodded, though she dreaded having to bring the box to the Captain. It had taken her time and effort to earn the trust of the crew, due to her deserting the Alliance army. [color=4dffa6]"The Alliance wouldn't trifle with miners,"[/color] Dorothy stated, glancing up at Daphne. [color=4dffa6]"I'll tend to the boy--can you take this to the Captain? Best if you do it."[/color] She didn't need to state her fears or worries of being accused of being a spy, even with her close friendship with the Captain. Other members of the crew would make them, she figured. Letting out a smaller sigh, Dorothy kept an eye on the boy in front of her. [color=4dffa6]"I imagine he's ready for the Captain to have a word with him, as well, if you'd like to tell her that."[/color]