[center][img]https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8347/29344714335_2d8448c4f7_q.jpg[/img][color=hotpink][h2]Kaela • 3 of Hearts • Hands Of Healing[/h2][/color][sup][color=crimson][b]HP: 14/14[/b][/color] [color=hotpink]||[/color] [color=A625E7]SA: 10/10[/color] [color=hotpink]||[/color][color=gold] 269GP [/color][color=hotpink]||[/color][color=FF8527] [b]0 / 1000 CP[/b][/color] *No Condition*[/sup][h3] Prime District Entrance [color=hotpink]||[/color] Meeting fellow Heart & heading to VIP Dorms [color=hotpink]||[/color] Excited to finally be heading to her dorm room [/h3][hider=Equipment & Items] [hider=Weapon][i]Royal Staff - Not really a weapon at the moment, but she can bonk you on the head with it if need be![/i] [img]https://c3.staticflickr.com/9/8217/28719890314_55034709b6_z.jpg[/img][/hider][sup][color=hotpink][b][u]Pet[/u][/b][/color] Lemmy the Sugar Glider (aww though) [color=gold][b][u]Treasures[/u][/b][/color] A bracelet in the form of a silver snake (That somehow helps with protection and somehow helps her pick up all the dudes.) [color=hotpink][b][u]Inventory[/u][/b][/color] x1 Healing Herb x15 Glass Vials x5 Needle & Thread Waterskin x5 Iron Rations Cloak Writing Tools Empty Book Decorated Box [color=hotpink][b][u]Thematic Items[/u][/b][/color] Royal Staff Hand Made Clockwork Musical Box Identification Documents Huge suitcase full of her clothes/toiletries etc.[/sup][/hider][hider=Additional Information] [hider=Loadout] [sup][color=hotpink][b]Protect (Lvl. 1):[/b][/color] (Spell) Gives a "shield" that can take 3 health and 3 sanity damage and a temporary +1 stamina. All party members nearby the target get a personal shield that can take "2 health / 2 sanity" damage before being destroyed. [color=hotpink][b]Medica (Lvl. 1):[/b][/color] (Spell) Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members for 5 points. [color=hotpink][b]Raise (Lvl. 1):[/b][/color] (Spell) Resurrects target to 1 HP. They receive a 75% debuff to stats until they have an opportunity to rest 8 hours. Healing to 11 health will also remove this debuff if the character has rested for at least two hours. If in combat, healing to 11 health will lower this debuff to 50%, but the character must then spend 5 hours resting due to the physical exertion of having to fight straight after being resurrected. Each hour will reduce the debuff by 10% [color=hotpink][b]Sense of Healing:[/b][/color] While travelling through locations she can sense nearby Healing Regents - 15% chance [color=hotpink][b]Let Me Heal Potions:[/b][/color] She has the unique ability to spend half an hour collecting herbs. When she has 3 types of herb she can combine them with water to make a healing potion.[/sup][/hider] [hider=Area Unlocks] [sup]Menagerie[/sup][/hider] [hider=Madnesses & Corruptions] [sup][/sup][/hider] [hider=Stats] [sup][b]Health: [/b] 11 (Base) [b]Sanity:[/b] 10 (Base) [b]Willpower:[/b] 11 [b]Stamina:[/b] 10 [b]Strength:[/b] 10 [b]Dexterity:[/b] 10 [b]Stealth:[/b] 10 [b]Magic:[/b] 20 [b]Vigilance:[/b] 10 [b]Luck:[/b] 3[/sup][/hider][/hider][/center] Kaela turned slowly as she heard a soft voice similar to her own. She smiled when she saw a rather sweet looking girl speaking. She reminded her of herself. [color=hotpink]"Of course you can company us!"[/color] Kaela smiled enthusiastically. [color=hotpink][i]'Yay! A new person to talk to!'[/i][/color] she thought happily. This sociallising thing was easier than she initially thought! She had got this so [i]down[/i]. She nodded in agreement with Fizzy as he spoke smiling at him as he did. He was such a gentleman. She had always thought that the class system meant nothing. She knew Fizzy was a Club, that didn't stop him from being a gent though. Your class meant nothing. It was who you are as a [i]person[/i] that counted. One day she'd like to be important enough to do something about the system. Until then she had a long road of training ahead of her. As her thoughts rolled around in her head she realised she was staring at Fizzy longer than usually socially acceptable. She quickly turned her attention to her little baby, Lemmy. While she blushed a wonderful shade of pink. She giggled as the little guy licked her finger. She held in a squeal from the cuteness overload she was getting, before plopping him gently back on her shoulder. Where he then proceeded to crawl under her hair at the back of her neck, where he nestled nice and cozy. She had a lot of hair, so it was probably a really nice warm place to be. She then gave her attention back to the new girl whom she yet still didn't know the name of! She blushed again at her apparent terrible social skills. And she thought she had this down. Clearly not. [color=hotpink]"Oh... Er... Yes! What Fizzy said... I'm Kaela of The Hands of Healing! It's a pleasure to meet you."[/color] she spoke quickly and held out a hand to the girl smiling. She then pointed to the back of her neck [color=hotpink]"The little guy under here is Lemmy The Sugar Glider!"[/color] She gave a big grin. She was totally in love with her new little companion and it showed. [@Mae][@SilverDawn]