[hider=Amma Stormborn] [center][color=orange][I][h3]"Alright, who's the joker that left their pile of gold in plain sight? No takers? ...Well, sucks to be them.~"[/h3][/I][/color] [Img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/3738/f/2016/081/f/4/marlie_size_by_thaichau-d9w1fmz.png[/img][/center] [B]Name:[/b] • Amma Stormborn [B]Titles:[/b] • The Child Who Was Born Of The Storm • Friend To All Creatures • The Beast Mistress • "That crazy b****" [B]Age:[/b] • 23 [B]Gender:[/b] • Female [B]Race:[/b] • Human, apparently. [B]Occupation:[/b] • Hermit [B]Affiliation:[/b] • Miraven - She is not affiliated with them in the conventional sense. Rather, the only tie she has is the respect she had earned from the dragons within the territory. • The Wilds - The territory of free creatures, aka any natural environment that has not been tampered with by unnatural causes, such as Human expansion. [B]Appearance:[/b] •With a wild gleam in her amber eyes, Amma stands at 5'7" feet tall with light, feminine features that are usually set in a cocky grin, framed by faded auburn hair that ends jaggedly above her shoulders. D-cup breasts jut firmly from her well-toned, light-skinned form, muscles refined and developed by her life in The Wilds. An aura of pure confidence seems to roll off of her body in spades wherever she goes. Whatever she's wearing at the time was probably pilfered from a dead person, so don't feel too bad for her. [B]Personality:[/b] • Brash, benevolent, quick to anger, quick to forgive. A summary of the individual named Amma Stormborn. Running headlong into many situations without further plans than what might happen in the first thirty seconds, Amma does what she does with not much thought on self-preservation. Despite this, however, she isn't suicidal in her actions. While she doesn't put enough thought in her actions to make them sensible, she DOES make sure anything that happens because of her isn't completely detrimental to herself or anyone around her... as long as she cares for them, anyway. • Competitions are what help her thrive, not the thrill of wining, but the thrill of the action. Fighting, Racing, even Berry Picking can be something that ignites her competitive spirit. Her competitive drive is so great, it was what actually caused her current status among the dragons in Miraven: a race against an Earth Dragon in their natural habitat. How she won, and why it garnered their respect... truly a mystery for the ages. • She despises humanity as a whole, but would never be outright agressive against a human unless it was premeditated. As long as one does not get on her bad side, Amma can be a fun person to be around, if terribly physical. Being a generally nice person usually helps in making friends with the local carnivore... or maybe they need a few hits with a hammer. She shoes her affection through physical contact, bumping fists, slapping backs, arms around necks as she chokes them to unconsciousness... Yeah. That kind of affection. • The weapons in her possession usually depict her mood, what is currently at the forefront of her attitude, and how she will react to the creatures or people around her. The Hammer usually means she's peaceful and cheery, unless she's giving someone hell for "being a complete jackass", while The Spear represents her aggressive, competitive nature, spelling doom for her next meal or current foe [B]History:[/b] [Hider=Her life so far] • Her life ended, and began, with a storm. Separated from her human family, a two year old Amma stumbled into the forests of Cheri in fear, scrambling on her hands and feet across the forest floor as she searched for comfort from the terrifying winds. Fortunately, or unfortunately if you'd like to see it that way, she had been found... but not by humans by any stretch of the word. No, the small child was found by a pack of woodland wolves, who both pitied and were disgusted by her presence in their woods. However, after much deliberation between the pack-leader and the rest of the pack, they had taken the child under their protection instead of eating her for a quick midnight snack. She was so small, and could hardly fill a pup's belly, too pitiful a death for one who had not lived their life yet. Bringing the child back to the humans hadn't even crossed their minds, only a fool creature would enter a human dwelling. Because of the circumstances around her appearance in the pack, she was named "Stormborn", or "The Child Who Was Born Of The Storm", for her life before the pack was meaningless to the wolves. •And so, the child was raised by the wolves, lived with them, gained their love and respect despite her origins, and eventually protected the pack alongside them as she grew. As she reached her sixth cycle of seasons, Stormborn had resolved to set out on her own from the pack, gaining the blessings of the pack-leader to do so. She loved her pack-siblings, she truly did, but as she looked between herself and them, Stormborn knew she did not belong. For the second time in her life, she had left her family, but this time it was a decision she made on her own. • For the next twelve years, Stormborn explored the world of Ceas, meeting and fighting against creatures and monsters of all shapes and sizes, surviving by the skin of her teeth and the luck to never meet an enemy she couldn't escape from or defeat. And as she fought, she learned. As she learned, she understood. With that understanding, she cared, and started to take a different viewpoint on the citizens of The Wilds. All creatures have a place in the cycle of life, and each of them are living to multiply their numbers and survive in the world, feeding off of and aiding each other in a perfect, symbiotic community. Best of all, she was a part of it, and was proud to be. • The same could not be said for her actual race: humanity. Multiple times throughout her adventures, the cruelty of human beings was apparent within almost every one of them she came across. Only few ever garnered her respect, and one of those few was kind enough to teach her the human language. The same human gave her a name, Amma, for when she ever needed to interact with her fellowmen. At the time, she scoffed at such a notion. Now, maybe not. • In the last seven years before the present day, Amma Stormborn approached the creatures of the land differently. Unless she was hunting for food, she didn't kill them. If they attacked, she defended herself, but would refrain from landing lethal wounds and ask them questions about themselves and their lives after defeating them. She created bonds, which would later become friendships, and soon became the reason for her current title "The Beast Mistress, Friend To All Creatures", for her "legendary" attitude that so vastly contrasted the common human was spread by word of mouth throughout the animal kingdom. • Her lifestyle garnered her many allies: Anapos, the Dragon King, and his son [Url=http://aws-cf.ados.fr/prod/photos/4/0/3/7469403/2259195/big-225919551f.jpg?v=6]Illyad[/url], Third Prince of the Dragons who reside in the mountains of Miraven, the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/8f/f5/298ff54cc47418f2a7dcd9fcb1258729.jpg]nearly extinct Megioladon[/url] who live in the hidden lands of Edegord, and even a [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTx-WNMZfbPT0kNiiZ4uQt5HNOJYJyAoc9aCOlFFcIhsgmpClbYnA]Phoenix[/url], though the last one is iffy at best (Said Phoenix has probably reincarnated recently and forgotten about her), but also drew the ire of pretty much every bounty hunter within the land. Many a time, her intervention had brought an abrupt end to a hunting party who did not respect the cycle of life. Those who would only take what was valuable and leave the rest behind. While currently just barely infamous in human society, every feasible bounty hunter knows of her, of Amma Stormborn, and how much of an annoyance she is in their operations. • Now, as the world is changed by the appearance of an unknown threat, one that may affect the entire life cycle, Amma is not entirely sure what comes next in her life. Does she fight? Or does she parley? Is it worth the death to drive the invaders away, or is there a path that she can create for everyone to live in peace? Do her actions even matter? ...Well, let's find out. [/Hider] [B]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] [Hider=The Hammer] [Img]https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/265986/screenshots/2144669/17_teaser.gif[/img] • The Hammer is just that: a hammer. Nothing very special about it. Amma had pilfered it from the corpse of a mason who strayed too far into the forests, and had been killed by the wolves who lived there. She has never struck a killing blow with this weapon, and has sworn never to do so. • The Hammer's head is 9" inches tall, 6" inches wide, and 1'6" feet in depth, coated with a golden bronze that covers the 6 kilograms of solid steel alloy that allow the weapon's crushing power. A 3'7" feet steel shaft elongates from the base of the head, bronze pommel inlaid with a lapis lazuli stone that has been cracked in multiple places from wear. [/Hider] [Hider=The Spear] [Img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRI5fQ4QKm-py3gya70esU94biUVJsie6cTO07fMp-1BZHWv36_[/img] •She only equips The Spear whenever she's hunting for food. But, when a human messes with the natural cycle, The Spear is their death sentence. The Spear, for both humans and creatures, is a warning sign. This weapon was made by her own two hands. •The Spear is a 5' foot long weapon, the oaken shaft taking up 3'10" feet of that length. The head is a good foot long, made of folded steel and sharpened to a point. The pommel does not exist, instead being replaced by a 4" inches long, 6" inches wide crescent blade that is used for cutting through what can't be pierced. [/Hider] [B]Skills and Abilities:[/b] [Hider=She's "pretty much" a normal human] • Enhanced senses - All five senses, while not on par with a creature whose evolution has specialized it in one sense or another, are much higher than the average human. Increased night vision, though it is not perfect, a heightened sense of hearing, and a powerful sense of smell allow her to survive and prosper within The Wilds. • Survivability - Foraging, Scavenging, Hunting, you name it. She's learned it, lived it, and can use it to survive for prolonged time frames within barren territory. • Unpredictable Opportunist - After fighting with or against/ befriending almost every species in Ceas, Amma has enough experience to spot the weak-points on her opponents, finding extrordinate amounts of joy in exploiting them endlessly. In the same respect, she has learned different ways of combat and tactics from her previous foes/ allies, integrating them into her own fighting style and giving herself great diversity in battle. She never repeats the same tactic twice in the same battle, unless it's a feint. She used this battle-style to check herself from falling into patterns like most, even masters of battle, do unconsciously. Patterns are predictable, and predictable gets you killed. • Natural Dexterity - Flexibility and Sleight of hand, two things that help immensely in her fighting style. Being able to bend your body at unusual angles, switching the weapons in hand faster than one could track, and even executing movements that seem impossible without the lithe body-type she has give her the movement she needs that trumps raw speed (almost) everytime. • Animal Communion - The ability to speak the nonsensical language of the creatures in Ceas is natural to Amma. The cacophonous chatter of apes, the slothful hissing of the basilisk, and the gutteral growls of manticores. All of these and more are under her command, a hidden language that nearly none of the human race can duplicate. (Will be identified by [I]italics[/I] in my posts when mixed with human speech) • Weapon Mastery - With her hammer and her spear, Amma is on par with a trained soldier in skill-based combat. Not because of training, but pure experience. Knife throwing is a recent endeavor, and she is too unskilled at it for the moment. Regular close quarters combat is fine though, and can hold her own in a fight. [/Hider] [B]Magical Spells:[/b] •Besides a small wind spell that she occasionally uses for dramatic poses, Amma has next to no magical ability. [B]Quotes:[/b] [Color=orange][I]"Shhhh... I'm hunting today. Keep it down over there, or you're replacing the deer I'm stalking." "Alright, where's my hammer? I need to knock some sense into this guy."[/I] "Woah! Wait, wait, WAI-!"[/color] *Fwoosh!* [color=orange]"...Told you not to piss off the salamander..."[/color] [B]Theme:[/B] • Currently Unavailable [/Hider]