[center][u][h2]Diplomacy at Yarosmere[/h2][/u] [h3][color=lightcoral] Mar[/color], Sansar within Yarosmere[/h3][/center] Mar jerked and tossed with the wagon’s jarring. Her eyes closed as she propped herself against the wood side, stretching out her human legs while enjoying the humidity. Even with the additional clothing, she was enjoying the heat wrapped about her body. She didn't sweat since she was use to the arid air found within Yarsomere. Inwardly she reflected on the fact she was home and what Ssarak purposed before they had left. She let her mind play the memory over in her head for the hundredth time since their departure. [hider=a week ago] Ssarak had just finished selecting his wardrobe for his mission. In all honesty, he rather disliked everything about the clothing, from the way it looked to the way it felt to wear it, but at the very least, he would only have to wear it for one event. Perhaps two. His armor, along with the tabard he had purchased, would likely be sufficient at any other time, though he was wearing his casual clothing for the moment. For now, he had made his way to the forge to have his sword examined by Val while Meirin and the others finished with their wardrobes. Due to its shapeshifting properties, his weapon did nor require regular maintenance, but he wanted to be sure the runes themselves were in good condition. The forge was located in quite a large room, and given that this was a day that new missions had been posted, it was reasonably crowded. He had just dropped off his blade with Val when he happened to spot Mar within sight. He had nearly failed to recognize her, thanks to her new form. He was not accustomed to her having legs, though he was sure she was even more uncomfortable with the situation. No doubt, it would be a great relief to her once her body could be fully restored. In any event, he had the thought in his mind to speak to her. With Lyn joining in the Djarkel mission, this would be the first time Lyn was sent out away from the College...intentionally, at least. Mar was quite a different person from Ssarak, so he was not sure how she would feel about the situation, but at the very least, he reasoned that he could ask her if there was anything he should know about Lyn. He was around Lyn fairly frequently, but she could change drastically seemingly from one day to the next. [color=f7941d]"Greetings, Mar."[/color] Ssarak said simply as he approached. He was not sure what Mar was doing, though at first glance, it almost looked like she was being fitted for something. Mar's head perked up. Her eyes settled on him, her irises wide and human like, as she examined him for several moments. A fellow student and one of Val's was helping to teach Mar how to apply the armor that Grey had given her. She hadn't worn it since he gave it to her and long since forgotten, her mind needing a refresher course in the matter. Her eyes returned to the lesson to note how the woman ensure the padding, a simple wolf's pelt, was firmly wrapped about her leg. Then the woman pressed it to the leg front and reached behind to fasten the straps until it pinched lightly. Finally she tugged around it several times to make sure it wouldn't move. When she wrapped up her chore, she passed Mar the next piece for her to try. The Naga nodded then bent down and started to apply it, her voice speaking to Ssarak in a voice not unkind. [color=lightcoral] "Greetings Ssarak, though I get the feeling there's more to the greeting than a simple hello. What is it you want?"[/color] Ssarak gave a slight, mildly amused huff. [color=f7941d]"Well, it was a coincidence that I saw you here, but you are correct that I do have a purpose here. I am going to be joining in the diplomatic mission to Djarkel, and it seems Lyn will be as well. Unlike some others, I do not intend to dissuade her from joining, as I understand she is in somewhat of a...unique position given her physiology. But, I still believe it would be wise to discuss the mission with you before we depart. As much time as I have spent around Lyn, you have, naturally, spent far more. Given how rapidly she has matured and how quickly she changes, I was wondering if there was anything specific about her that I should know that may become important on the mission?"[/color] Mar tried to distract herself with the straps, her fingers quickly trying to wrap them about then click them in place. It wasn't easy with Lyn being brought up. Most assumed she was doing fairly well in detaching herself from her own child's shadow but the truth was far from what she showed on the outside. If it wasn't for the fact Mar knew what was happening in Yarsomere would directly harm both her child's future and her own, she would've gladly went with Lyn on the Djarkel mission. Before she has became pregnant and born her daughter, life was simple. Now it was a complicated mess. Now a choice was plopped right in front of her and Mar still questioned which was the correct choice. Lifting upright, Mar turned to face Ssarak then spoke. [color=lightcoral] "If you're assuming this is easy for me, it's not. Even for a Naga, it's too soon for her to leave my side and my instincts aren't leaving me alone to focus."[/color] Mar took a deep inhale, while the student checked her other leg. [color=lightsalmon] "My daughter might be fully grown on the outside but she lacks experience outside the college. Because of that, she trust far too easily and I worry she will believe everyone is pure of intention."[/color] The humaniod Naga paused for a breath then continued. [color=lightsalmon] "She hasn't even been courted since she's grown so fast because everyone here still views her as a child rather than the adult she's becoming. In Djarkel, they won't have any knowledge of that so they have no reason to believe she is as young as she says."[/color] Ssarak gave a slow, understanding nod. [color=f7941d]"It seems my worries match your own. It seems that Lyn is an adult in every respect [i]except[/i] for experience. No matter how exceptional her mind, that is simply not something which can be taught in a classroom. It is not something I would expect to be easy for you or Althalus, but I also do not debate your decision to allow her to go. There is only one way to gain real-world experience. Regardless, I will keep your words in mind and try to keep her at least...somewhat close. I do not want her to feel as if she is being chaperoned, but neither do I want her to fall prey to those that would manipulate her. At the very least, my magic will help to keep a more subtle eye on her."[/color] Pausing a moment, Ssarak's expression became more uncertain as different scenarios popped into his mind. As much as he wanted to be able to promise that he could ensure Lyn's safety, there was only so much Ssarak could do himself. [color=f7941d]"Although...I admit I may not be able to watch her at all times. Particularly when we are among the barons and their nobility. Their courts are filled with psychomancers, and even if they are not as well trained as I, there will be quite a lot for me to focus on. Perhaps...I could also find a way to show her the real dangers that the world can pose in a more controlled situation, so she will stand a better chance of protecting herself when she needs to."[/color] [color=Lightcoral] ""I'm not honestly sure you could. Lyn tends to be stubborn as Athalus when she sets her mind on something, refusing to be reasoned out of it or her image broken from it's positive assumption."[/color] Mar stated firmly. She truly doubted Ssarak would be able to alter Lyn's view point based on talk alone while she tried to sloppily shift on her torso armor, feeling the straps rubbing into the padding rather hard. Ssarak gave something of a grin, however short-lived it was. With the serious and somewhat distasteful subject of the conversation, he could not maintain any light-hearted thoughts for long. [color=f7941d]"Well, I do have some experience dealing with stubborn people. I raised children, and trained recruits. In my experience, it is, well, experience that is the greatest teacher. If she witnesses these realities firsthand, she will have a harder time denying them. Unfortunately...the kinds of experiences we are discussing are the kinds I would not want anyone to have to witness. Murderers, abusers, demented souls that prey on the innocent. Those are the kinds of people whose actions can leave mental scars. Still, there could be something less traumatizing she might witness. When I traveled to a city my first time, as naive as I was, I lost about half of my coins to a con-artist on the street. It did serve as a lesson for me."[/color] Mar looked at him hard, then spoke up. [color=lightcoral] "Keep in mind the hunt, she has faced in a mild fashion some bitter truths. However she still wants to go. I'm only lucky she doesn't want to go to Yarsomere and help me with the Naga situation."[/color] Mar shivered slightly at the thought, part of her believing the reason was because Lyn didn't want to face that nightmare and one she would have to. One day she would want to decide which world was more important to her in the end, human or Naga. Raising his brow, Ssarak looked at Mar curiously. He had been following Mar's condition, and while she had made great improvements, he had not been aware that she was actually intending to join a mission so soon. Especially not one heading into the heart of Yarsomere itself. He supposed it made more sense now why she was being fitted for armor. [color=f7941d]"You are...going on the Yarsomere mission? Forgive my surprise, I simply did not expect you would want to join a mission before your body is restored to its normal form. Normally, I would not advise a Naga to go to Yarsomere at the moment, but I suppose you do look nothing like a Naga at the moment. You may be able to disguise yourself as something else."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "Considering I have trouble enough walking in a dress or pants, it might not be a good idea."[/color] Mar stated as she started to lean to one side too much. Her balance shifted causing her wobble and try to jerk the opposite way to catch her balance. Ssarak looked Mar over, still with concern. Even if it was reasonable that she could walk through Yarsomere without attracting too much attention, [i]walking[/i] was precisely what he was worried about. [color=f7941d]"I understand why you are going on this mission. Were I in your position, I would do the very same. But...how ready do you believe you are, physically, for the challenges you may face?"[/color] [color=lightcoral] "Despite if I am or not, I can't really sit around and do nothing. Lyn is a child of both worlds. If one is sniffed out, that denies her a right to explore the other even if she has no desire to now."[/color] Mar managed to stop herself from toppling down, but she was still concerned she would fall down at any moment. [color=f7941d]"I agree completely, but placing yourself into unnecessary danger will not help matters for her. Remember that you are an important part of her world too."[/color] Ssarak responded. Closing his eyes a moment, he let out a sigh. He was certainly concerned for Mar's safety, but he was not sure how helpful it would be to discourage her. Since she had been attacked, she spent too much time locked in her den in a state of depression, and the fact that she fact that she was making an effort to improve her situation now was encouraging. He did not want to destroy any of that progress, but he also did not want her to bring herself to harm. [color=f7941d]"Mar...you have made great strides since the attack. And learning how to use legs properly will be a useful skill to you once you learn how to shapeshift through your own magic. But, you do not seem like you are ready to fight. If you encounter danger, you may need to allow your allies to be the ones to deal with the threat."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "Lidda hasn't actually wanted to try to restore me to my original form due to the inccident. She felt it might cause more harm than good."[/color] Mar clarified, her torso not strapped up and her arms were next. [color=lightcoral] "As for me placing myself in danger, it's the least I could do to protect my child. If Yarsomere discovered there was hybrids, what do you think they will do to her? It won't be painless or quick, I fear. I want to find out what's happening so I can stop it or lessen the impact on my daughter. Unlike Athalus, I'm not as foolish to risk myself over something stupid or easily taken down."[/color] She sighed then added. [color=lightcoral] "I also have a few days to practice and get better... hopefully that will help."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Your form will be restored in time."[/color] Ssarak stated confidently. [color=f7941d]"Have you spoken with Lidda about performing tests on you to detmine the effects her shapeshifting magic might have? Her caution is understandable, but you appear to be healthy now, apart from the presence of legs, of course. Given how busy everyone is around the College, you may have to be the one to initiate that conversation."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "I did. She says any test would require using vitamancy and she's not sure if she can reverse the effects should I react badly. She has summon another vitamancer from Eania and aid in her examine. He won't arrive until next Year however."[/color] Mar said with a bit of bitterment in her voice. [color=f7941d]"Then she has a plan, and by next year, your body will be restored. I would just be sure to maintain your studies, so you will be prepared as possible to face whatever lies ahead."[/color] Ssarak remarked. He brought his hand up to his chin, contemplating the situation as he looked over Mar once more. [color=f7941d]"Regardless, that would have to wait until after the mission. As I said, I understand why you want to take action. It is not wise to assume that the threat of Yarsomere will always stay contained to Yarsomere. However, idealism should not take precedence over realism. Without the ability to maneuver, your combat ability will be diminished. Perhaps...have you ever wielded a bow? Or a crossbow? A weapon that allows you to attack from range, without reliance on mobility would be ideal. And, I could perhaps provide some assistance in terms of your struggles with balance, if you are interested."[/color] [color=Lightcoral] "No, it never crossed my mind. Though Lyn has taken interest in throwing knives. However, I don't think you can teach me the basics before you must leave can you?"[/color] She doubted he could as the last of her armor was fully fitted, her legs pranced in place slowly to get a feel of the added weight on her limbs and torso. It was strange and her balance wobbled again, causing her o raise her arms outward to stop herself from toppling over finally. Ssarak shook his head. [color=f7941d]"Not entirely. A bow required a good deal of training to use effectively, but that is not so with a crossbow. They are [i]far[/i] simpler to learn and use with basic proficiency. It is for that reason that they are sometimes considered a militia weapon. If you were to obtain a crossbow, and I am sure Tyrael would give you a basic one without question if you asked, then it would not be difficult for you to learn the basics. Especially if there is another on your mission familiar with such weapons. Actually, we could probably take what time we have now to train a few other skills as well. I am sure Althalus and others have been practicing with you constantly to learn to use your legs, but I may have insight into the more mental aspects of your problem. If you would like to go to the gymnasium, or some other place, we could train your balance for a few hours."[/color] Mar nodded then followed him, her feet walking bit by bit toward the training area. Ssarak moved with her, not supporting her directly, but making sure she did not accidentally hurt herself by losing her balance. It was warmer inside, where Ssarak usually trained, though he kept his thick winter clothing. This particular form of training would not be strennuous. At least, not for him. After making their way to the training area, Ssarak allowed Mar to ready herself and find a place she was comfortable practicing her balance. Ssarak moved a few bags of sand around her to cushion the inevitable falls she was going to take. [color=f7941d]"I am going to enter your mind. I believe I can heighten your natural sense of balance by increasing the amount of energy in the part of your mind controlling your balance. It is a direct, brute-force method, but it should be effective. Of course, it will also be temporary. My idea is that training with a heightened sense of balance will make it easier for you to develop your muscle memory by allowing you to respond correctly more often. If it is alright with you, I will use my magic on you, then start shoving you. Do your best to maintain your balance."[/color] Ssarak explained. Mar looked worried as she spoke. [color=lightcoral] "Is that the only way?"[/color] Despite her trust of Ssarak, her heart raced at the thought of someone entering her mind and she didn't understand fully why. It confused her. The sensation that filled her body was if her mind had been abused, violated and encased in the worse way causing her fear to rise higher. She inhaled, a rare display of her nervousness, to sooth her emotions. [color=f7941d]"Speaking honestly, it is not. We could practice in the same ways you have been, but it would have similar results as your previous training. That is to say, it will be slow and gradual. This approach is something new; something you have not attempted before. I cannot guarantee that it will solve your problems immediately, or anything of that nature, but I can say that it will not harm you. Well, falling on the ground might, but my magic will not. Do you want me to proceed?"[/color] Ssarak asked. He spoke with candor, as the last thing he wanted was to decieve her. Mar knew he was right, her hand gripped the crossbow she had grabbed earlier and tested the weight. [color=lightcoral] "Alright, before I change my mind."[/color] The Naga braced as she found balance, then steadied her cross bow for a shot. The training Ssarak had in mind for Mar encompassed an interesting number of skills. Delving into her mind, he did what he could to enhance the blood flow to the part of her mind dealing with balance. From there, he gave her a basic explanation of how to make use of her crossbow. It was a simple weapon to understand, and while she would not become a great shot by any means, she could learn to use it adequately in a relatively short time. Once he gave his explanation, he gave her a light shove to one side, then asked her to take a shot at the target as quickly as she could. Altogether, this kind of practice would serve to train her balance, her use of the crossbow, and her ability to recover after her stance was disrupted. --- After about twenty or so minutes of shoving Mar, coaching her on her aiming technique, and various combinations of the two, there was enough of a routine that Ssarak decided to satisfy more of his curiosity. [color=f7941d]"So Mar...what do you believe you will find in Yarsomere?"[/color] Mar managed to keep herself from falling on her face this time when her right foot jerked in front and planted itself. Her balance slowly drew back up to its original position, her knees bent, then ready for herself to be shoved again. Her head turned toward him when he asked his question and digested it for a moment. She fired again before addressing it. [color=lightcoral] "Answers to what my kind is being wiped out. We've kept to ourselves for years and never once had it crossed the mind of the Yarsomere people extermine us. We're survivors, a feeling I know deep in my core, and I hold hope there will be some when we arrive..."[/color] Ssarak gave a solemn nod. [color=f7941d]”Your people survive the dangers of the Ravine on a daily basis. They were caught off-guard by a surprise attack, but now that they know their enemy, they can do what they do best. If you want my observations, I believe there is something manipulating Tiien, trying to cause unrest and strife among its nations. Djarkel, Yarsomere, even my own homeland is facing a political uprising. If I were to hazard a guess, I would place the blame on Kudd. If he has his sights set on our world, then it is to his advantage to weaken Tiien’s nations. Your people are the greatest demon hunters in Tiien, and they seem to have been the first to be targeted. Who benefits from that more than Kudd’s demon armies?”[/color] Ssarak allowed Mar to take another shot unhindered while he spoke, but once she almost reloaded, instead of shoving her, he grabbed her shoulder and quickly pulled her in his direction so that she could not simply brace in the same direction every time. Mar lost her balance completely this time. Her figure fell flat on her back and thankfully she didn't have an bolt notched or she would've shot herself in the head, ending her life. All breath raced out of her chest causing her to gasp for air. Her side rolled over as she glared at him for a moment but said nothing, her feet gradually pulling underneath herself to stand upright. She patted off the dirt then replied with slight irritation in her tone. [color=lightcoral] "Kudd, I'm not to familar with since I never heard of him before Tyrael and the College. So I couldn't fully agree with you. However, I do agree something is happen which isn't natural at all. Some one is influencing things into change."[/color] Her thoughts lingered on the hunt for a moment, then considered something. [color=lightcoral] "What ever happened to me... it didn't feel demonic in nature. I can't explain it."[/color] Ssarak maintained complete confidence, despite Mar's glares. [color=f7941d]"Oh, do not look at me like that. I know what I am doing."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "I'm wondering about that honestly..."[/color] Ssarak chuckled. [color=f7941d]"There was no bolt loaded."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "Crazy doesn't have to be dangerous all the time...to still be crazy."[/color] As for Mar's experiences, Ssarak was not sure of what to make of them. [color=f7941d]"If Satori could not make sense of what happened to you, I am afraid I am not likely to be any help in that regard."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "Not unless you're secretly a master and didn't tell her, I don't think so. I worry about it enough and making it worst is the last thing we should attempt."[/color] Ssarak nodded. [color=f7941d]"Agreed. Regardless, whatever the source of this strife, there is no question that it is to the benefit of the demonic forces opposing us. In our mission to Djarkel, one of our tasks is going to be to help one of the Barons deal with demons threatening them from a Ravine entrance. With everything happening in Tiien, there will be less and less to oppose such attacks on our world. At their height, I have no doubt your people could have dealt with a similar demon attack"[/color] Mar raised her eyebrow, pausing on her reloading of the crossbow when she managed to plant herself firmly. [color=lightcoral] "Yes. We were all born and raised to hunt whatever lurked in the Ravine, especially demons of variety intelligence. I feel there's more than being merely stating you're impressed with..."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Mostly just an observation. It seems too convienent to be a coincidence that your people were targeted so abruptly."[/color] Ssarak answered. [color=f7941d]"I wish we could have the Naga's assistance to deal with the Ravine creatures. I have no doubt that the Baron's forces will be able to handle it with our guidance, but your experience would make it easier. "[/color] As he finished speaking, a thought came to Ssarak's mind, though he was not certain if it was or was not a feasible idea. [color=f7941d]"Hmm, do you believe that your people would fight demons on behalf of another race, in exchange for...assistance?"[/color] [color=Lightcoral] "Lyn isn't ignorant of fighting demons either. She's been training with one for several months and pretty much her whole life."[/color] Mar pointed out then added. [color=lightcoral] "For the Naga, there's numerous issues you need to address before you could ask the Matriarch to fully uproot her Naga again."[/color] Ssarak nodded [color=f7941d]"No doubt, but an idea came to mind for a potential mutually beneficial agreement. Djarkel, and indeed, likely other nations, are going to be in need of forces to hold back demons from the Ravine, and the Naga are going to need an organized effort to smuggle surviving Naga out of Yarsomere. I do not know if the College has the resources to undertake such an effort, even if it could afford to risk its neutrality. However, another entity, like this baron, could use some of their resources to fund an effort to rescue your people from Yarsomere. As long as the Naga can help hold back the demons, they may consider it a good investment. If we are lucky, it could even create political pressure from outside Yarsomere for them to bring an end to their efforts at genocide."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "Again, there's several things you're forgetting Ssarak. One is that every Naga will need to be vaccinated against the disease that is in Djarkel or risk losing more than they will save."[/color] Mar stated, her tone becoming defensive and concern over Ssarak's trail of thought. [color=lightcoral] "Who do you think will do that? A Baron might not because he will feel it's too costly. On addition, where would they live or survive the winter? Would they be given a wide enough territory for them to live and not be treated like lifestock?"[/color] Her body was facing him, her arm held the crossbow low so should it go off it would hit the ground rather either of them. [color=lightcoral] "On the very top... you still have the main issue of the College being convienced this is a good idea."[/color] Ssarak crossed his arms, fully intent on standing his preverbial ground. [color=f7941d]"Everything you are listing are [i]solvable[/i] problems, Mar. Diseases can be dealt with, they could be given land with far more water than the deserts they are accustomed to, and there are ways for them to survive the winter. What is not a solvable problem is the fact that there is an entire nation of genocidal fanatics that have dedicated themselves to the wholesale slaughter of every Naga left in their borders. I cannot pretend that it would be a perfect solution, but is there really a better option at the moment? Your people deserve the chance to live, even if those lives are not perfect."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "What [i]who[/i] is going to fix them?"[/color] Mar pointed out. [color=f7941d]"The College could be persuaded to provide vaccines. It would not be a direct action against Yarsomere, and could be done discretely. After all, we do have the ear of the College's leadership. In terms of its environment, Djarkel is naturally less hostile than the desert, and underground dwellings can be insulated against the cold. If the baron wants the Naga to fight during the winter, it would not be much extra of a cost for them provide enough runes compared to the cost of rescuing them to begin with."[/color] Ssarak answered quickly, one question after another. He wanted to convey that his suggestion was not just idle thought. He intended to form an actual solution to the Naga's struggles. [color=lightcoral] "What happens when the Baron wants to use them in more than Ravine cleaning? Earnia and Djarkel are still at war and this breaks the College truce by giving them a nearly extinct race as soldier fodder."[/color] Mar struggled not to snap, keeping her tone surprisely calm. Even with Mar's continued objections, Ssarak was maintaining his stance. [color=f7941d]"It is entirely possible that the baron may eventually try to gain more from them than they initially agreed to, but again, the current alternative for the Naga is to be killed by fanatics. At least by getting them out of Yarsomere, it would buy them time to find solutions to these other problems. And of course, the College would not be [i]officially[/i] involved in any of this. They could wipe their hands clean from it. And if we can broker similar deals with groups in both Djarkel and Eania, it would not place the Naga in a position of taking sides."[/color] [color=Lightcoral] "I don't know Ssarak, I don't like the idea of the Naga being used. They won't last in war and we could be simply rushing them into extinction. I'm the only Naga so far that can use magic but if there's others? A Baron might not hestiate in training them and putting them into the war, resulting in more blood spill for my people."[/color] Mar said, her figure slowly sinking from her upright position into a sitting one against one of the sand bags. She set the crossbow to the side for the moment clearly done with practice for now. Ssarak sighed, not out of frustration, but empathy. He took a seat as well on a bag across from her and looked to her sympathetically. [color=f7941d]"I understand your objections, Mar. You care about your people, but they are already facing potential extinction. There is...also the point that the Naga's population has likely been greatly diminished, and you were never the most populous race on Tiien to begin with. The number of Naga that either Djarkel or Eania rescue would not likely be enough to make any real difference in a war, but it could make all of the difference to the Naga. It could ensure that enough of your people survive to keep the Naga as a whole alive. The Naga rescued would be more valuable fighting demons, and training their soldiers how to fight demons. It is a risk, but...is it more of a risk than doing nothing?"[/color] [color=lightcoral] "You realize [i]I'm[/i] not the one you need to convience about all of this? It's the Matriarch and the Headmaster. I can only give you information over the reactions and concerns you'll have to cover. I just hope your determination doesn't wipe out a whole race... and make my daughter and myself the last of our kind."[/color] Mar warned as she stretched out a bit, debating on her next words carefully. [color=lightcoral] "Why Djarkel?"[/color] Ssarak gave a light smile. [color=f7941d]"No, but you are good practice."[/color] His gaze turning more serious, he did have to conceed a point in her next question. [color=f7941d]"Well, I will have the opportunity to speak with one of the barons about this topic during my mission, but any organization willing and able to rescue Naga would suffice. Unfortunatley, I doubt there are many groups with the means and motivation to undertake that task without something in return. We might contact multiple groups, and bring Naga to multiple locations. Again, it is not ideal, but they would be alive. And...if something were to go wrong, not all of the Naga would suffer for it. Can you think of any other groups that might stand to benefit from the Naga's assistance?"[/color] [color=Lightcoral] "Honestly? None unless they have a serious demonic issue within the Ravine. They aren't the best demon hunters so as you've seen, we aren't adapt to kill all types. Any that are physically resistant or immune wipe the floor with my people. Killing more than we care to risk, usually forcing us to retreat until the threat has moved on or killed by something else."[/color] Mar admitted. Her head propped back on the ground and laid completely flat, looking at the sky. Cloud darted by in the twilight red above her causing her to miss Yarsomere's pale, clear blue from her past. [color=f7941d]"Now, I think you may be underestimating what your people can do."[/color] Ssarak commented. [color=f7941d]"It is the unfortunate tendency of people's minds to focus on their failures. It may be true that the Naga cannot handle all forms of demons, but that does not mean they are still not the most qualified to deal with them. You have individuals with hundreds of years of experience dealing with them. You know their habits, their strengths, their weaknesses. And to be useful, the Naga would not need to be able to kill [i]every[/i] kind of demon that exists. As long as they could sufficiently improve the effectiveness of the baron's soldiers, they would be worthwhile to rescue. If they work with the baron's forces, their mages could deal with the demons possessing physical resistances."[/color] [color=lightcoral] "It's not that I underestimate them, it's that I know their mind set. It's what they [i]will[/i], not what they [i]can[/i] do which should be taken into consideration. As you've seen with me, we don't adapt to change well unless forced to and even many find ir more difficult than myself.[/color] Mar sighed clarifying her meaning. [color=lightcoral] "Either way, suggesting it to the college can't hurt but you'll still need to convience the Matriarch over it.My brother would also likely need some nudging in that direction too."[/color] Ssarak nodded. [color=f7941d]"I understand. Unfortunately, the world has already forced a great deal of change upon the Naga. Whether or not my plan is placed into effect, they will [i]have[/i] to adapt if they are going to survive. I do not believe there is anything we can do to change that. Even if the Naga are not perfect, there is still no other race on Tiien that deals with demons more frequently than them. And rest assured that I would not recommend relocating the Matriarch, your brother, or any of the others with them, at least not at this stage. I can give the idea to the baron to start talks around this idea, outside any official capacity as a College diplomat, of course. It may be that nothing comes of it; we will just have to wait and see the baron's reaction."[/color] He said before standing back to his feet, stretching out the muscles in his legs. Mar was finished with the conversation, her worry clearly still there but nothing she could do would discourage Ssarak from suggesting a cooperation between the Baron and the Naga. She closed her eyes then repeated the final concern. [color=lightcoral] "I doubt they would allow the few number they have go without one of them there. Likely my brother, since our Matriarch might the last one alive and too precious to risk.It's the convincing them that is the challenge and one I'm hoping you're well aware of."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Well, if that is what they would want, then I am sure the rescued Naga would do well with his leadership. As for convincing them, you may be able to help. You and your group will be going to Yarsomere, correct? You may be able to witness and record firsthand the conditions the Naga in the region are facing. The attitudes for or against them, their prospects for survival. If you find their chances are bleak enough that striking a deal with a baron, or some other group is preferable, then we can speak to Khan about arranging meetings. Or, if their chances are better than I am aware, we can find another solution. Perhaps you might even find another group to aid the Naga while you are there? In any case, I believe it is getting late enough that I should go arm myself and join with my caravan."[/color] Ssarak responded, extending his hand to Mar to help her to her feet. Mar nodded then took his assistance, something she would never do in the past, and hoisted herself upright. [color=lightcoral] "Try not to get yourself killed during it and look after my daughter. If anything happens to her, I hold you and the group with her fully responsible."[/color] With that, they went their separate ways toward their missions. [/hider] After the conversation, her mind was left conflicted in so many ways. Namely about the Naga’s future. Ssarak was right that without help, her people would crumble and fade from existence. The more she tried to determine another alternative, the harder it was finding one. The scenery they passed didn't help. Mar’s eyes shifted to glimpse the scarce evidence that made the reports valid, the facts just reminding her of her race’s challenges and loss to their population. It was strange to see people were cruel to both each other and those they didn't understand. Things only got worse when they arrived within Sansar, the capital. Mar only tensed when they crossed the scene of the Naga burning at the stake. A male, around her brother’s age, was bound in the fashion that was most painful to watch and struggling against the impaling implications and rope as he was burned alive. At least, that’s what it appeared to the cheering crowds. In reality Mar knew the male was gone the moment they started burning him since he likely bled out. Her fingers still dug into the wood as she started to wish the Malice Naga would break loose, then destroy them all. Among the Naga, a thought like that never crossed her mind and clear evidence her association with people was starting to influence her. Mar gradually settled back into her but showed no expression of breaking down publically. She could feel nearly everyone’s eyes dart in her direction causing her to shiver then inhale. They were expecting her to mourn, hate or worse. About the only emotional response they were right on was the fact she hated the city and wanted every citizen, man to child, to simple burn like that Naga on the stake. She closed her to push away the image seared into her mind, realizing that Ssarak might actually be right in his option and bitterly wishing differently. Hot, salty tears slide down from the sides of her eyes. They glided along her cheeks, dampening them, before dripping off into the dry air. The wagon came to a stop just within the palace walls causing Mar’s eyes to snap open. She watched a woman hold a bowl, filled with once fresh water, out to a man the driver described with numerous titles. The one that was most fitting was the torturer of the Sand God. She snorted at the role and gritted her teeth tightly, sealing any comment under her lips. Mar was the last one off when the driver immediately took off causing her to stumble for balance. She managed to grip and steady herself against the nearest student, Summer. It was obvious, even with her armor, she was still working on her balance. Thankfully, Yolin didn’t notice. Or chose not to expression concern over it. His hands rinsed of blood, the woman departed and vanished back into the palace, he reached out shake hands with each student. Mar’s hand was fortunately covered in a leather glove to separate her skin from touching hands she was sure had killed many of her people. Her expression seemed to easily remain blank on the outside unlike her companions. However she found it hard not to want to reach out and sink her fangs into the killer’s throat, then rip it out in one swift movement. Her upper half seemed to subtly twitch in reaction but did nothing more while he talked. "Welcome, welcome! The Prophet begs forgiveness, but he will be busy most of the day. He bade me to show you the sights of our wonderful city, and keep you occupied with its delights until he can meet you for dinner later tonight with other guests." Mar noted his lacking attention to the key ticks of discomfort, not over eager with his next offer. "You all must be hungry, and dinner is a long ways off. Come, come! I will lead you to the marketplace, where food is a plenty. I'm sure you have many questions about the current state of affairs in Yarosemere. After all, that is why you are here! I will answer them as best I can." Mar considered straying behind until three large, calculating guards pressed against her back and made it clear it wasn’t an offer but a subtle command. Her eyes turned back to where the carts rushed away and disappeared from sight with a slight longing. Inhaling, she strolled after the others who started to ask questions. Mar felt it was best she didn’t or risk revealing the fact she was one. It would likely cause the situation to go completely sour and put all of them into danger, something she didn’t want to happen within enemy territory.