[hider=Meep] [center] [h1][color=red]Kassandra “Shade” Garrard[/color][/h1] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/d9dIzuB.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Ffqq0Y25Y] My Name (Wearing Me Out) by Shinedown [/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V35oRyAMmtU] You’ll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins [/url] [hr] [h3]The first rule of hunting is don't be stupid[/h3][/center] [color=red]Full-Birth Given Name[/color] [indent]Kassandra Garrard[/indent] [color=red]Preferred Name | Nickname[/color] [indent]Shade | The Butcher[/indent] [color=red]Sexual Identification[/color] [indent]Bisexual Female[/indent] [color=red]Established In[/color] [indent]24 years old, April 13th, 2323[/indent] [color=red]Place of Birth[/color] [indent]Northwest Territories[/indent] [color=red]Also Knowing[/color] [indent]Carries two knives, a hand ax, hunting rifle, and bow plus arrows that she has made herself. Skilled hunter, tracker, and medic.[/indent] [center][hr] [h3]The second is assume that your prey is at least as smart as you are[/h3][/center] [color=red]Rebel or Regime[/color] [indent]Rebel[/indent] [color=red]Pokemon Companion[/color] [indent]Sneasel (Razor)[/indent] [color=red]History with Pokemon[/color] [indent]Shade and Razor have known each other since they were very young. They first encountered each other while she was on a hunting trip with her father, and over time have developed a relationship first as playful competitors, then as hunting partners.[/indent] [color=red]Short Biography[/color] [indent]Very little is known about the wanted felon known to Regime soldiers as The Butcher. They first came to the Regime’s attention approximately two years ago, when capture teams began disappearing. Further investigations has narrowed it down to a single individual tracking and systematically murdering Regime soldiers, however attempts to track down this individual have proven to be frustratingly difficult due to the lack of survivors and the fact that they never stay in a region for great lengths of time. What is known is that they are ruthless, with all victims, both human and Pokemon, having had their throats slit, in addition to other injuries. They are also very good at evading detection, as well as luring capture teams into traps.[/indent] [color=red]Persona[/color] [indent]Shade is a grim individual. She is used to spending large amounts of time alone with only Razor for company, so she has a tendency to be very blunt and straight to the point with people. She is primarily driven by a her hatred for the Regime, making her ruthless when dealing with them and suspicious of those claiming to have left. She takes no pleasure in killing, but she does feel that this war is not going to have a peaceful resolution and recognizes that the Regime will not show anyone mercy, so neither will she. Equally important is her reverence and love of Pokemon. Shade grew up being taught that all life was sacred and connected, and that thoughtless or intentional cruelty was one of the worst sins one could commit. For this reason, she prays for every Pokemon she kills so that its soul may find peace, safe from the Regime’s grasp. [/indent] [color=red]Physical Description[/color] [indent]Shade is quite short, at 5’2”. Her black hair is very short and choppy, like it was cut with a knife, with sharp amber eyes that seem to pierce through you staring out from her round face. Due to growing up living off the land, Shade has a very lean musculature and is stronger than she looks. She wears thick, warm clothing that is very worn, torn and patched up from use.[/indent] [center][hr][/center] [/hider] [@A Tattooed Girl] And here she is :)