Hey all! I haven't done one of these in a very long time so I'll keep it short and sweet. I'm looking for a few partners for some Dragon Age roleplays. I am primarily looking for someone to play Alistair against my female Warden, but I'm also totally up for doubling and playing a canon-character against one of your own. I'll post some plot ideas below, but if you have ideas of your own, send them my way! :) [hider=Guidelines] 1. I'd rather roleplay via PMs because I find them easier to keep track of and we'll be less restricted in what we want to write. 2. I definitely prefer quality over quantity, but I'm looking for someone who can write a minimum of three paragraphs. 3. If you're playing a canon character, please stay in character as often as you can. 4. Please contribute to the story and go wild with plot twists and character development. I'm totally down for that. 5. I don't expect replies every day but once or twice a week would be nice. [/hider] [hider=Ideas] [i]Origins[/i] A playthrough of the Origins storyline with you as Alistair and me as a female Cousland. If we're doubling, we can have a pair of Wardens and I'm happy to include characters from the other games in this one to mix it up a little if that's something you'd like to do. [i]Origins With A Modern Twist[/i] Playing through the Origins storyline but with the Warden(s) as a modern age girl who finds herself in Thedas during the Fifth Blight. This would likely happen with the help of an Eluvian. As always, happy to double for this as well. [i]AU (ish)[/i] I'd also be up for some of the Dragon Age characters accidentally finding themselves in the modern world. Our original characters would come across them and have to introduce them to all the changes and guide them through the real world without drawing too much attention to them while they figure out a way to get them back to Thedas. [i]Inquisition[/i] I have been really interested in doing a run through of Inquisition, but including the Hero of Ferelden and Alistair in the party. In this situation I would play the Warden and a character of your choice, and you the Inquisitor and Alistair. Perhaps our original characters once knew eachother or maybe they are even related. Maybe the Inquisitor was originally part of the team who took down the Archedemon, or they could be strangers until they first meet in Haven. [/hider] If any of the above interests you, please send me a PM. I'd love to hear ideas of your own if you have any you've been hoping to try. Looking forward to hearing from you :D