I did a small reinvention of the character sheet to emphasize the frail psyker trait :D [hider=Agathocles Malefant] Name: Agathocles Malefant. Gender: Male Age: 78 Class: Sanctioned Psyker [u][b]Psyker Power[/b][/u] Telekinesis and Biomancy. [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Standing at 5.7ft, Agathocles has the appearance of that of a frail, decrepit old man clad in some simple robes. His skin is ancient and dried, almost stretching across his joints and cheeks as worn leather, his fingers long and thin to the point of being almost skeletal, which combined with the clear, snow white of his skin and hair gives the old man an almost ghostly, ethereal look. But while his body can look weak, his purple eyes located in his sunken sockets betray an indomitable, iron will that burns inside his being. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] 1x Powersword. 1x Simple robes. [hider=Notable Events] [b]Manipulator: [/b]Early in his life, Agathocles discovered that he had a knack for understanding the feelings and motives of others. This ability naturally lended itself to then manipulation of the people around him, a thing Agathocles has become quite proficient at over time, with some of his most notable feats of manipulation involving the infiltration of a chaos cult, usurping the leadership himself from within, and then enacting a mass ritualistic suicide, effectively rendering the cult lame and easily destroyed through a phony act of worship. All the while, Agathocles Imperial contact was both angry and confused at Agathocles for seemingly doing nothing, while the cult fell apart on its own. [b]Indomitable Will[/b]: Throughout his long life, Agathocles has displayed a strong will in all things he has set his mind to, almost bordering on stubborn insanity. This has served him well as he explored the treacherous secrets of the warp as an aspiring psyker, and became readily apparent on a particularly ill-fated trip through space aboard a cruiser he was accompanying when it was beset upon daemons. In a situation that would have warped and broken the minds of lesser people, Agathocles seemed to welcome the challenge, thriving on the chaos, as he thrust himself into the fray and played a pivotal role in fending off the brief but severe daemonic incursion. [/hider] [b]Time With the Inquisitor:[/b] W.I.P. [/hider]