Geoffrey moved through the crowd with ease, his feet touching the ground and moving him forward at a steady enough pace to get to the last warehouse that he could possibly think of that would be roomy enough to hold people without anyone the wiser. He cast his sight back for Zander and almost ran over a group of kids playing in the middle of the street. Hollering his apology he kept his steady pace and took a back alley to cut time down on his trip. What felt like an hour but was no where near that long he finally arrived at the place he knew the others were at. Shouts could be heard from inside, the front door was all but caved in and a window shattered from the outside. Pulling his bow free from his quiver, he strung it quickly as he took a few moments to catch his breath and get his body to stop shaking in anticipation. His mother had told him stories of slavers, how they were vicious and smoothed tongued. Always looking on how to steal from those they sold to and where to get their next catch of wares. He ran his fingers over his arrows, twenty in total left, he'd hold Nymira to making him more when this was all said and done. He couldn't make any mistakes with them, they had to count since he had no way of getting more on such short notice and he doubted their corpses would have arrows upon them. Heading towards the door he watched the others as they took out those in their way from what he could see. Pulling back the string he took aim at one heading towards Cecil from an angle and let the arrow fly. Without seeing if it hit, he notched another and used the doorway as he barrier, a few were rattled but heading after those who had barraged into their lair. Aiming for a man's leg, he let the arrow fly and cursed when it scrapped the inside of said man's leg, leaving him with his manhood but if he lived a nice scar to tell the ladies. Moving away from the doorway, he cursed at the lack of rope and went to see a way to the roof. Ducking down by the broken window, he peeked in, took aim at another thug and didn't feel back when this arrow found it's way home in the man's back. Pulling back and heading towards an adjacent building, he'd find a way to the roof to rain his rage down upon them. -- Zander huffed and wheezed. In his time away and heading to different towns to heal and to mend he had never had to travel by foot so much. He would gain rides from caravans, offer his service in trade for rides on horses. Unsure of where to go, he stopped at a group of kids laughing about the odd fellow with the quiver who almost ran poor little Tithon over in his haste. Zander asked kindly as he could which way said man went, they pointed down an alleyway and Zander nodded his thanks. Taking a slower pace, he would get there in time for the fighting to be done, and for his need of healing to be used. He had no offensive spells, sure he could induce sleep on the slavers, but they would be alert and willing to fight off the forced sleep. Sighing and clutching his staff to his body he sent out a silent prayer and felt some of his fatigue leave him as his magics went to work in his own body. Geoffrey was off to the side, poised to fire an arrow into the building and Zander sighed. No such luck on getting there late, taking his time he didn't even seem to notice the guard and his captive as he walked by. His gaze locked on the doorway and an idea struck him. Pulling out the freshly made Seal Papers he grinned mischievously. They would be aware of the forced sleep on their bodies, but what about spells on the doorway to make their escape to put them into a tired state. To drain what energy from them with fatigue and weariness. He shook his head, and discarded the idea. If the captives tried to escape, making them tired would do them no good. He stood at the edge of the doorway staff held tightly in both hands. If he went in, he'd be a hinderance he knew this much. If he stayed out here, there was a chance someone would come out and catch him unawares and death wasn't one of his highest points at the moment. He could ward the door from entry, but what if one of their own was tossed out? He let out a frustrated sigh and walked into the building as if he owned it. So far they all seemed to be trying to get to Nymira and Ethan and Cecil. The cloaked figure was dealing well on her own and Zander decided to guard the doorway. Pulling the fractured door shut behind him, he clutched his staff tighter. One Seal Paper inbetween clenched fingers would be his trump card for now. He just hoped the others found Amune sooner rather than not.