[@LordofthePies] Shit. I'm all sunny for this idea that you, motherfucking. man martian has developed this achievement centered complex from his time at the facility, I'd like to see you build up a bit more back story alluding to this. Maybe there was a moment specifically that stuck to him. The facility was a more ruthless tester than cruel. So they might of used some waterboarding or psychological mess about to see how they handle stress. Think real life tests, telling kids not to talk to the one who stutters or seeing how a teenager copes with a rumor of sexual disease for a genetically tailored line. You could link this to his sociopath and paranoia a bit more strongly. He has a brief time out of the facility at this point so alluding briefly to what he's been up to now that he is out of care. His line is an avatar, all eyes are on him. Many might know him instinctively but his strongly sculpted human appearance and registered name. All EPOCH are only 20 years old, give or take a year or 2. This is because at this time period the first line of them has been let out to the world for the first time. Your character would still be very young in terms of outside experience.