[center][b][h1]SALUTE TO THE FALLEN[/h1][/b][/center] [center][u][b]Early November[/b][/u][/center] [b][u]November 1st[/u][/b] The vote of Tsunngmao concludes. It represents 4.3% of the population at large, those who can read, are educated and actively interested in politics. The vote is "Stay" for 96.74% and "Leave" for 3.26%. Wholly unrepresentative of the population, the records are sent off to the Empire of Saurilia's foreign department immediately. [center][img]http://www.china-mike.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/4-hk-1910-queens-road.jpg[/img] [i]City of Tsungmao, 1910[/i][/center] [b][u]November 2nd-5th[/u][/b] The [b][color=orange]Karalian Uprising[/color][/b] continues, with the Karalians evidently coming to the realization that the Seljuk would not treat them kindly. A breakout attempt begins on November 2nd, with 1,100 Karalians using recovered Saurilian rifles and Blutlander Otto Mark II's moving out of the city to the Northeast. The line there was lightly defended, held only by the 24th Observation Regiment, lightly armed with a single Havka machine gun and M1902 rifles. [center][img]https://weaponsandwarfare.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/ottoman_soldiers_testing_captured_weapons1.jpg[/img] [i]2nd Squad of the 24th Observation Regiment, circa 1910[/i][/center] The attack began at dusk, with a fierce firefight. The 24th Regiment, commanded by Okur Acar dug in--an emphasis on the Havka emplacement settled between two dunes. The breakout threatened to succeed when the Havka gun jammed and the only return fire from the Seljuk positions was intermittent rifle and pistol fire. The Seljuk General Mahmed Hassan refused to reinforce the position fearful that another breakout might occur. It held, but only just. The Karalians gave up the fight mostly due to low ammunition. On the morning of the 7th, several Karalians exited the city to begin discussing a surrender. [b][u]November 6th[/u][/b] A design test for the [b]KR-30 Mk II Bolt Action Rifle[/b] finishes, and prototype testing begins. The KR-30 was a five round, bolt action rifle that used a jacketed 6.5x80mm smokeless round. On November 6th, a field test was given comparing the KR-30, the Blutlander Otto Mark II, the Tyro-Antarian M1902 Schutze and the Saurilian Type-07. The Staratian rifle was present, but not allowed to shoot for comparison. During the testing the following was recorded: [b]20 meter accuracy[/b] (20 shots) -- [b][color=brown]Jouran KR-30[/color][/b] ([i]Prototype[/i]): 84% -- [b][color=red]Blutlander Otto Mark II[/color][/b]: 79% -- [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian M1902 Schutze[/color][/b]: 86% -- [b][color=lightgreen]Saurilian Type-07[/color][/b]: 59% [b]50 meter accuracy[/b] (20 shots) -- [b][color=brown]Jouran KR-30[/color][/b] ([i]Prototype[/i]): 83% -- [b][color=red]Blutlander Otto Mark II[/color][/b]: 61% -- [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian M1902 Schutze[/color][/b]: 84% -- [b][color=lightgreen]Saurilian Type-07[/color][/b]: 56% [b]75 meter accuracy[/b] (20 shots) -- [b][color=brown]Jouran KR-30[/color][/b] ([i]Prototype[/i]): 67% -- [b][color=red]Blutlander Otto Mark II[/color][/b]: 59% -- [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian M1902 Schutze[/color][/b]: 61% -- [b][color=lightgreen]Saurilian Type-07[/color][/b]: 55% [b]100 meter accuracy[/b] (20 shots) -- [b][color=brown]Jouran KR-30[/color][/b] ([i]Prototype[/i]): 49% -- [b][color=red]Blutlander Otto Mark II[/color][/b]: 31% -- [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian M1902 Schutze[/color][/b]: 27% -- [b][color=lightgreen]Saurilian Type-07[/color][/b]: 26% [center][img]http://truthaboutguns-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Congress_Heights_M1918_Test-900x650.jpg[/img] [i]Jouran shooters at the November 6th testing, 1910[/i][/center] Jouran Department of Design and Research (DDR) had the opportunity to begin production or continue funding for the second round of testing. While the design seemed sturdy and many praised it's success during the November 6th shooting test, others pleaded caution. The average rifleman of the Doucal Army reported back after a day of shooting that it was a simple operation, easy to clean and lighter than their current standard rifle. [Jouran [b]KR-30 Bolt Action Rifle[/b] revealed to be [Quality 1 Rifle].] [b][u]November 7th[/u][/b] The [b]4th Staratian Army[/b] (30,000 men) under General Johanes Barian reaches the Staro-Khanate border. General Barian is a recent graduate of the Tarind Military Academy, and was given command of the 4th Army due to it's isolated location in the Far West. Unfortunately for Barian, the neighboring Khanate had ventured into Staratia, and upon reaching the border they find an additional raid had been carried out in the first week of November--just as the snows began to fall. [center][img]http://histclo.com/imagef/date/2008/09/sib01s.jpg[/img] [i]Khanate raiders in 1910 wearing Staratian hats--presumably stolen[/i][/center] The village of Mendel was attacked, it's entire population of 12,000 was brutally attacked and there are less than 3,000 survivors. Word travels East soon enough and the national papers decry the Republic for moving so slowly. The village of Mendel was similarly a minor rail station between Meung and the Staratian city of Krimm, it's railroad attachment there was utterly destroyed. - [b]Republic of Staratia[/b] loses [b]1 Prestige[/b]. - [b]Staro-Meung Rail[/b] is destroyed. -1% Rail. [b][u]November 8th[/u][/b] [b][u]November 9th[/u][/b] [b][u]November 10th[/u][/b]