[quote=@Slime] [@Nanashi Ninanai] Mostly waiting on Dawnscroll. He suggested starting soon, but the teams are still undecided and he needs a Master, so you still have time. Worst case scenario you join in a little late, so don't worry. [/quote] You know, I have a master. But I MIGHT be keeping it as a secret secret for the first post of the Game. ....hey, I'm the GM. I can do what I want. French Sorcerer who tried to summon Nicholas Flamel and got Roland instead. We going to comedy route. [@Nanashi Ninanai] [i]Riding A: The ability to ride any mounts, with the exception of Phantasmal and Divine Beasts. [b]Medb's rank here is peculiar since her primary qualification for this skill is the ability to ride men, figuratively and literally.[/b][/i] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/animaniacs/images/9/93/Yakko.png/revision/latest?cb=20121211065941[/img] [b]"GOOD NIGHT, EVERYBODY!"[/b] Rider is approved. Just don't spam the army thing please. I mean, use it. But no "Lulz, fifty thousand soldiers" I know Rin had five magic abilities. But Rin is a main character, and we're not. I can swallow someone having two. But five? Would you mind changing that? [@NachoBachoPacho] BERSERK APPROVED. And y'know, in the defense of your guys stats, its not how strong you are but how he's used. Roland, if you look at him, is a pretty weak Saber. Exactly why I picked him. On a side note, I am loving all the Celtic figures coming on. And the fact that people are picking actual legends. [@Slime] Sorry, super big test for my career hitting me in the next few days. There are no teams initially; if alliances are formed, thats on the characters.