Name: Jynmi Imsar Age: 26 Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: [img][/img] Physical Oddities: Jynmi's skin and hair gives of a light glow of white light. It can't be seen during the day but at night its all but impossible for him to be stealthy. - Personality: Jynmi is a nerd at heart. He's fond of the study of logic and tries his best to use it for all his decisions but fails a lot because his heart tends to lead him into dumb decisions. He also suffers compulsive whims which was how he managed to learn as much magic as he has in such a short time. History: Jynmi's early life was rather dull, even been a homebody's standard, but that all changed the day he found himself in a strange little old book shop with a creepy old man who wouldn't let him look at anything but kept forcing into his hands a book. At first Jynmi thought it was a gift but when he tried walking out with it the man threatened to call the cops. Unsure of what else to do Jynmi bought the book. He didn't even realize it was in latin till he got home. AFter some reading and experimentation he learned of the book's nature. He attempted to go back to see what else the shop had but could never find it again. Likes: -Anime -Dogs -Science fiction/ Fantasy -Studying -Video Games Dislikes: -Dramas -Spicy foods -Arguing(Which is not the same as debating) Powerset: Magic Primary: Alba Maleficus Mihi(The White Wizard's Tome)-A very old, thick book, written in latin with instructions on how to use various spells dealing with light. These spells are activated by the user's mind going through a set of visual rituals and incantations. Ancillary: *Sanctus Securis (Holy Ax)-Part of Jynmi's body glows with what appears to be electrical energy. This 'electricity' grants the user two benefits. First it acts as a sort of armor that's similar in strength to steel and second it grants extreme cutting power greater than that of even Obsidian. The greater the area of effect over his body the less time he's able to keep the spell active. *Micante Arma (Glowing Shield)- Jynmi holds out his right hand and summons forth a half dome of light which he uses as a protective barrier against physical, energy and magical attacks. The size of the spell can be altered but the greater the area the less time he's able to hold it. *Lux Pilum(Light Javelin)- Jynmi holds out his left hand palm flat, and fires out an arc of white light. This 'beam' has a maximum range of thirty meters and is capable of penetrating most materials with ease. It does this with a combination of temperatures rivaling that of super heated plasmas and a great deal of kinetic force.