[color=004b80][center][h1] Grant Holiday [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7294/th/pre/f/2012/094/2/7/prince_by_leejun35-d4uym96.jpg[/img] [/hider] Grant smiled ever so slightly as the elder vampire threw his little fit. He understood that anyone who once knew him or was old enough to hear of him from someone who knew him had this reaction, generally speaking. When he grabbed him, Grant pocketed his hand around the syringe of dead mans blood, and nearly used it but held back at the last second. This was not the time. Grant took a second while the vampire who held him and calmed himself internally. Grant relaxed his muscles, and opened his mind and all his senses. Holding him was acceptable, but if the vampire made any sort of extra actions were taken, if he was actually threatened in any way shape or form he would not hesitate but debilitate him. [color=004b80]"While I do understand the anger you are feeling, the reaction appropriate it would do you well to release me if you please. Attempting to free me of this immortal coil is a nice offer, but the dilema you face is I do not fear death."[/color] Grant looked over at Sasha. [color=004b80]"My dear, I solemly swear I am full of nothing but the most honest intentions. I do not have any information on Dracula written down, but if you wanted I have an idea about that. Now or later does not matter. I believe and interview with me, about Dracula would allow me to answer any questions. As to how I obtained your number, Lets just say my first spawned gave it to me, with nothing but the most honest intentions as well."[/color] Grant eyed the room, detecting every weakness this room contained. He turned back to Vladimir. [color=004b80]"My good man, if you were trying to protect this women, I believe you will surely fail from an assassins view point. You may be strong and fast, and may kill the assassin, but I see for a fact any assassin would be able to complete their objective. Why not move Miss Sasha? If you would permit it There is a manor not too far from here that contains the necessary security. Sort of my base of operations."[/color] [@blackpanther][@ojo chan 42]