[color=004b80][center][h1] Grant Holiday [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7294/th/pre/f/2012/094/2/7/prince_by_leejun35-d4uym96.jpg[/img] [/hider] Grant did not flinch, he did not breathe, he did not move. This suprised him, knowing the blood was in his pocket and his line of questioning was odd. Most people would not react this way. Something about him was off to him. Nothing about he seemed.......normal. Grant softly took in a deep breath. His senses may not be legendary, but they were far superb to the average vampire. His sense of smell in particular were most......specific. Grant could smell every ounce of blood in the building. Every cockroach, every chemical, nothing could escape his nose. Grant came to the smells from the room. To him the man who brought him here smelled more or less average. Sasha smelled to him of......he wasn't sure. An average smell but not an average smell. He would need to make sure he never turned his back to her. And she also carried a bit of........no that was impossible. He looked at Sasha and eyed her stomach for a millisecond, then turned his attention to Vladimir. He came to his stomach and every muscle in his hand flexed at the same time. He smelled almost like Piper, except for the fact he wasn't.....as sweet smelling. Nothing about him drew him to him. [color=004b80]"Ah I see."[/color] Grant took out of syringe of dead mans blood and offered to his Vladimir. [color=004b80]"you might as well take this. Dead mans blood does not work against hybrids. I discovered this when I was given the task of eliminating my soul mate from Dracula. Thankfully I was able to avoid the outcome he favored. He truly hates hybrids though. You and I will talk about that at a later date though. As to your weaknesses...."[/color] Grant took a millisecond to look him over. [colors=004b80]"You favor your dominant hand too much. While your senses seem to be extraordinary and you are a hybrid your weakness if you more than anything. Normal werewolf/vampire weapons won't work against you, so if you were to fall it would be to predictability. The marks on your hands are a dead give away, or rather the marks and the marks that don't exist on your hands give it away. [/color] Grant took in another breath. [color=004b80]"your blood is very rich. And has a certain......aroma......ha your a what's it called.....a vanhelsing aren't you? I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly. It's been awhile since I've tangled with your kind."[/color] Grant looked around [color=004b80]"as to the rooms weaknesses I could go on forever."[/color] [@blackpanther][@ojo chan 42]