After listening to Hali's birthday wish, Kaffir had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. That girl sure had a wild imagination. Then again, they were hanging out with a robot that can only understand logic so in a way they balanced each other out. [color=green]"It is what it is,"[/color] Kaffir said, shaking his head. [color=green]"Maybe try to come up with an idea that doesn't involve leaving the planet. Whatever your crazy head comes up with, Eli and I will just have to do our best to get it."[/color] Kaffir stood up to stretch his legs. It was almost time for their school to let out the other kids who actually showed up which meant that they didn't need to hide in the dark alley for much longer. Because he had been sitting there all day, he could already feel his leaves starting to wilt. He should probably catch some sunlight before the day ends. If he didn't, his mother would probably try her weird "artificial light" fad on him to ensure he has the proper amount of light energy he needs. It surprisingly worked, but it usually left him feeling all weird inside and he did not enjoy it. Brrrrriinnnnnggggg! That was their cue. School was officially out and they could come out of hiding. Kaffir waited a few minutes until he heard the stampeding of feet on the sidewalk. Then he waved over to his friends, as if to say "Let's go." He took the lead and did his best to slip into the crowd of high schoolers. His complexion had brightened up to a nicer green as the sunlight hit his face. It felt really good. He stood out though. A speck of green mixed in with all the other more neutral-colored children. It didn't take long for someone to notice him. It only took a moment before Kaffir felt someone pull on his shirt and another moment for him to hit the ground. "Hey Plant-freak! What do you think you're doing here? Go back to the stupid dirt where you belong," sneered a human boy that was around his age. The other students that were watching began to snicker. Those who were maybe kinder and felt that the discrimination was wrong, were quiet and simply turned their heads away. Some of the guys were kicking the gravel of the sidewalk onto him. "Plant Freak! Plant Freak! Plant Freak!" they chanted. The impact hadn't hurt Kaffir too badly, but they did a good job of ticking him off. The boy that started this whole thing was Brad Mallard who was notorious for bullying those that weren't humans. Brad also had the ability to rally the other students into bullying the aliens and/or robots. Kaffir didn't run into him often so today really was his unlucky day. The best thing to do was to take it until they got bored and moved on to something else. If Kaffir got into a fight, he would be the one to blame even though he was initially the victim. He'd seen enough of the news to know how these things worked. He bit his lower lip and did his best to ignore them. But in his head, he was cursing them all. Stupid, fleshy humans.