At Shay's sharp, biting words, Silas face burned red, and he cast his eyes on the floor as he mumbled quietly to his aunt in their tongue. Emory caught the embarrassed look on the young Rougher's face and withheld a chuckle, he knew how the poor kid felt to be in an awkward situation such as this. As if offended, the older woman looked defiantly at Shay, her large black eyes peering at him as she set her jaw with a soured frown. In broken English, thick with an Eastern-European accent, she addressed Shay as she pulled the shawl around her shoulders, "I speak your language. I ask for many reasons," With a gesture of her hand, she waved to Vera, whose back was turned to them as she leaned against the counter through the kitchen doorway, and dropped her voice low to match Shay's, "I know her father. He is apart of our clan." However, the argument in the kitchen halted her from saying anything else on the matter. Silas himself appeared surprised that his aunt Ingrid knew anything about Vera, or Sam for that matter. The two of them swiveled their heads to discern what had Sam riled up, or to listen in on what Vera had to say. "You think I'm bloody selfish, do you?!" Vera snapped, her own voice rising to meet Sam's. "If you haven't gone and lost your head in the swaths of women you're too busy banging boots with, then you'd rightly recall just who the hell taught me how to shoot, eh? You sure as hell didn't do it! No one bothered! I looked after myself when you went away to the War, I worked two jobs to make ends meet, to make damn well certain that I had a roof over my head, and food in my belly. Do you remember how you just went off and left me here all by myself? So I don't give a bloody fuck if you think I'm selfish, Sam! I've had to protect myself, and I can damn well do it again if I need to! I [i]NEVER[/i] asked to be apart of this, so don't you go pointing the finger at me and telling me how bloody selfish [i]I[/i] am! I don't need anyone, Sam, you're too damn blind to see that your little sister is a grown woman, and not a damned child anymore, I make my own decisions." Vera seethed, her hands curled into fists at her sides. If she could, she would have struck Sam in the face, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins left her feeling dizzy and cold. "Get the hell out of my apartment! ALL OF YOU!" Vera shouted and stormed out of the kitchen back into the living room where Silas, Shay, Emory, and Ingrid remained. "GET OUT!" She roared as she flung open the door to the flat, and pointed out the door, her chest heaving with rage. Ingrid didn't need a translator to understand the gist of what Vera had said, and she quietly gathered her items that she had used to bandage Shay with. As she hefted the bag up, her black eyes flickered to Shay, and pulled once on his hand. "Come with us. I did not finish." Silas and Emory glanced at one another with uncertainty, they followed Sam's orders, especially when it came to his sister. However, they did pocket their revolvers and moved to the door, waiting for Sam to emerge from the kitchen. "Vera, I think you're acting a bit rash now, eh? Sam's only trying his best to help you. I'm sure he didn't mean what he did said." Emory attempted, but his words were shot down by the tempest that was Vera. "Don't [i]you[/i] dare preach at me, Em'." She hissed, her eyes became narrowed slits, which vaguely reminded Emory of a viper, poised and ready to strike. "I was just trying to help." He muttered in defense.