[center][color=peru][h2][b]D Dorms - D12 [/b][/h2][/color][hr] [@Damiann47][@Eklispe][/center] [color=olive]"Not much to say, really. We throw a block party once a month and friday night is poker night. So feel free to tag along."[/color] said Dusty, a mischievous glint in his eyes. [color=peru]"But um, things tend to get a bit out of hand..."[/color] David hastily added on, and then stopped himself, seeing Dusty tap his nose in his direction. [color=olive]"Only a bit of fun, fellas. Anyway, they don't sweep our block as regularly as some of the others, so you're more likely to get away with c-o-n-t-r-a-b-a-n-d. But when they do a rough and tumble of our dorms it's alot harsher for everyone involved, so keep that in mind."[/color] A cloud seemed to fall over the room at that, and there was a long silence. Eggs cleared his throat. [color=peru]"Anyway, we'll leave you two to settle in-"[/color] Dex snickered at that, having broken out of his whispered conversation with a concerned Pea to glance between the two of you. [color=peru]"I'm sure there'll be newbies downstairs arriving to be assigned to their dorms without direction, so we'll be going back down to help them out."[/color] Dusty saluted with two fingers and a [color=olive]"Seeya 'round."[/color] as he swerved out the door in that strange, lanky-limbed walk of his. David and Krawl followed, though Pea and Dex lingered a little longer. As the first group dissapeared towards the staircase, Dex looked back at you and snickered as the door closed. For a minute all seemed well, but then a sudden bang followed by something heavy being dragged along a wooden floor notified you of something amiss. [color=orchid]"I think you two lovebirds need some quality time together. The heat in this place is dodgey but I'm sure you'll find a way to keep warm...[/color] came the annoyingly high pitched voice of Dex, and a muffled apology from Pea, followed by a thump sound and a low hissed sentance from Dex. The sound of footsteps faded away. Seems like they've blocked the door somehow. [hr] [hr]Meanwhile, Egg, Dusty and Krawl trapsed down the stairs, catching whiff of a rumour a [i]Spade[/i] had come to visit. [color=peru]"No way,"[/color] said David as he reached the first floor. [color=peru]"We never get Noble visitors down here.[/color] Krawl raised an eyebrow. [color=aqua]"I don't see what the big deal is. I'm a Spade."[/color] He said flatly, though it didn't seem he was indignant about the news. His voice seemed permanently jaded. [color=olive]"Yeah but you're [i]more[/i] like a part of the furniture."[/color] [color=peru]"What he's trying to say is you're our token Spade. Just like how this year apparently a [i]diamond[/i] got into the VIP Dorms."[/color] David rolled his eyes, but the others could tell he was just bursting at the seems, wishing he was in that Diamond's place. He went on about it [i]all[/i] the time. They crested a corner, and sure enough, outside standing on the flat slab area was an In-training student wearing clothes that screamed upperclass. They didn't need sewing or had patches slapped on or were too big on him or [i]anything[/i]. And he was already generating a bit of a hubbub. Eggs fidgetted from foot to foot, clearly indecisive about something.[color=peru]"Do you think we should go help him before he get's accusted by girls wanting to marry up? You remember Krawl's first day..."[/color] [color=aqua]"I'm still here, you know."[/color] [color=olive]"Furniture, Krawl. and yes..."[/color] he pushed up the brim of his hat with a finger, [color=olive]"Don't you 'spose the lad could do with some attention? After all he came all the way to D Dorms...[/color] [color=aqua]"He's probably lost."[/color] Krawl replied blankly. The other two paused for a minute. "We should help him..." they both mumbled in not-quite unison, as Pea and Dex came up behind them. [color=orchid]"We're going to head out."[/color] Dex said, strolling off with Pea before any of the trio could notice how guilty Pea was looking. Pea always squealed... Krawl, Eggs and Dusty rambled over to the poor Spade, who was already being watched from a distance by various gaggles of people. [color=peru]"E-e-excuse me, sir."[/color] Eggs said, clearing his voice. [color=peru]"Are you lost?"[/color]