[center][color=cyan][h3]Henry Peterson III[/h3][/color] [img]http://17rg073sukbm1lmjk9jrehb643.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/dh.gif[/img] Interacting with: Feora [@mnkee][/center] Henry watched an interesting mix of emotions in Feora's face and smiled. It was nice seeing at least a small spark of authentic feelings in the girl. At least he knew she wasn't a rich daughter robot. Still, he wondered what the sudden switch from happy to angry stemmed from. [color=cyan]"Just good?"[/color] He asked, his eyes widening. They weren't [i]just good[/i], they were pretty amazing. Either she was seriously lacking taste buds, or something was up. He was actually hoping for the latter, he could work with the latter. He was also starting to get used to the half-assed smiles she gave him, though he didn't want to be. He had hope that he could turn them into real smiles given time. His eyes went wide as Feora whispered in his ear much in the same way he did to her. He felt a spark run down the side of his body, not quite like a shiver, but not a tickle either. He fought the urge to turn his body away from her mouth and tried to listen to what she said. However, now he really couldn't keep his eyes off of her lips, the thought of them brushing up against his ear brought a red hue to his cheeks. He swallowed and looked down the ground very suddenly trying to thinking about how to respond without making it completely obvious how flustered he really was by the entire encounter. Everyone has worth? That is what she said isn't it? Why would she say that? After a sobering moment of thinking about her statement, he turned to look at her, confusion spread across his face. He wanted to lean in and respond, to let her know that no one deserved the effort it took her to pretend to smile but he didn't really know how to put it into words so he simply stuffed his mouth with another pastry, a pout on his face. [color=cyan]"Maybe you'll have to make that for me instead. My mother was a vegetarian so I haven't had much meat. Even when my father's chef makes it, I can't seem to get it down. Maybe if it's you, I might could get it down."[/color] He explained, now grinning at her again. He already wanted to leave this damn party. Maybe he would later... Say hello to a few others before heading in to find his room... No. He didn't even want to do that much at this point. He glanced over at Cara, before turning back to Feora. [color=cyan]"I think I might leave shortly. Unless you have a reason for me to stay?"[/color] He explained, asking for her opinion. [color=cyan]"I'm not much one for big crowds like this, but I would feel badly if I left and you'd rather me stay and keep you company. I've never done one of these... 'Grand Ball' things so I'm not accustomed to what is happening and what may happen later. Is there dancing? Dinner? Would it be rude of me to leave so soon before meeting everyone? I'm not sure, honestly. But ever fiber of my being hates being here right now."[/color] He sighed, his arms now crossed, his brows furrowed. [color=cyan]"I wonder if there's a library. It might be nice to sit in there and read or chat... Maybe I could convince a maid to bring tea..."[/color] He pondered, the area between his brows relaxing.