Name : Kendrick Age :18 Status : Exile Height : 6'2 Weight : 185 pounds. appearance : [img][/img] Eye color : Dark Brown Hair color : Black Hair style : Short and silky. Skin Tone : Tan, white. Sexuality : Heterosexual Weapons : Two dual sided swords, a medium size bow, a kite shield. Skills : multiple weapon skills, horse back riding, jousting, military knowledge. Training : Was taught by his father, who still lives in the city. His father was one of the best knights in his age, but as he grew older his body waned. His father had trained him since age 5, since Kendricks mother died. Personality : Withdrawn and keeps to himself about personal things. History: Kendrick was one of his majesties greatest knights, at one of the youngest ages in knight history. He made the rank of knight by age 15, and was his majesties knight for 3 years before he found the truth. The King often gambled with the Cities money, and did many shady things to satisfy his greed. When he found out he tried to make people understand what he knew, but was captured by the Kings men first. The King exiled him, but Kendrick snuck back into the city and started trying to secretly undermine the kings rule ever since. He became known as "The Vigilante" Someone who went out at night and stole from the corrupted rich and gave to poor. He also began sabotaging the King.