[i]Darkness. Darkness. Darkness.[/i] Most people, when trapped, would try and keep a cool head. Maybe they would be quiet, and try to observe their surroundings. Dusty was not like most people. Before the freezer door was opened Dusty was thrashing and snarling, trying to free her hands or uncover her face. The Raider could barely remember how she had gotten into this situation. Punching? Some Chems? Eh. Whatever. That wasn't important. And then the doors began opening. Again, a normal prisoner would keep quiet and calm, and not move. Dusty did the opposite of this. She snarled, the sound muffled by the bag on her head. She again tried at her binds, and then the sack was off. Dusty looked more like a trapped animal then a human. Eyes wide and darting around, looking for an exit. Hair tangled and matted, pressed up against her forehead with sweat. Her teeth bared and clenched, a bit of spittle flying from her mouth as she spoke. "When I got out of here I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill every last one of you fuckers!" She yanked at her binds, her arms threatening dislocation. Her voice was straining and growling, as if she had been screaming for the past few days and her throat was begging for some rest. But the scratching along her arm, the wild look in her eyes, and the cold sweat she was in told a different story. Withdrawl. Dusty let out a growl, thrashing in her binds. It was pretty clear that she didn't care about what this person was saying.