Shigetoshi returned the smile from the younger man before heading out to the dinning room. He straightens up the tables into the new arrangements so everyone would be able to sit at one of five tables and serve themselves. It felt like an arrangement that would be found at a restaurant in the capital. It made the young innkeeper smile and he shoved. pushed, and pulled tables. Not that the bamboo tables were heavy or anything. They were just stubborn upon the woven floor covers. When the young man was finished he stood back to view his handy work. Satisfied everything was in it's new proper place he hurried back to the kitchen to see if Tatsuki needed anymore help. That was not the case. When Shigetoshi slid the door open he saw the guest leaning against the counter looking at the food. Shigetoshi looked over the assembled items. The other man hadn't been joking when he said he would make foreign items. The Innkeeper didn't have names for any of the dishes. He could identify a few ingredients but he wouldn't have been able to guess about the others if he hadn't peered at the raw food earlier. He would have assumed the man could use magic or something to conjure up all these strange dishes. Shigetoshi drifted over a little and sniffed the food. It smelt good, but his earlier thrill at the idea of eating strange food was dying. Was all this truly edible? Then Shigetoshi blushed and straightened up. "Sorry." He said to the other man in the kitchen. "I can take out the dishes if you'd like."