[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color][/center] Leisy waved goodbye to Raven as he left. He was rather nice—much more so than the girl named Olivie who Leisy had met earlier yesterday. But then again, being nice wasn’t the be all-end all, and Leisy believed that every person had their own redeeming characteristics. [color=gray]”Can I get a Pokeball?”[/color] Leisy asked, walking up to the Pokemart counter. The clerk smiled politely. “Of course. You were here yesterday, right? Bought a Pokeball as well?” the clerk asked, pulling out the classic red-and-white device. “You should probably consider buying more than one—just in case you don’t make it back to town in time. It’s always good to be prepared.” Leisy listened with wide eyes. It hadn’t even occurred to her that she could buy more than one Pokeball, although she could see the sense in it. She glanced at the bird Pokemon beside her briefly, a smile toying on her face. [color=gray]”Then could I get…”[/color] Leisy frowned. [color=gray]”How many should I get? Is there anything I should save up to buy right now?”[/color] “As a beginner, Pokeballs are probably the best investment you can make,” the clerk told her with a friendly smile. “That is, until you start battling.” [color=gray]”Battling!”[/color] Leisy echoed, eyes wide. She’d almost completely forgotten that Pokemon trainers honed their skills through battling. How could she forget the awe-inspiring portraits of trainers and their Pokemon duking it out in the massive coliseums? Leisy realized that if she was ever going to make her name on the battlegrounds, she’d have to first build up her team. [color=gray]”I’ll take five Pokeballs then. That’s the maximum I can buy, right?”[/color] Leisy asked, handing her Pokedex over. The clerk scanned it, nodding when he saw the number. “Five Pokeballs coming right up,” he said, pulling out the five flawlessly red-capped capsules. “Hope the next time I see you, you’ll have a full team. Oh and please don’t bring all of them in at once.” [color=gray]”I’ll keep that in mind,”[/color] Leisy said, waving to the clerk as she walked out of the store. [color=gray]”Thanks!”[/color] [hr] [center][color=lightsteelblue][h3]Cillian Weiss[/h3][/color][/center] It took a few seconds for it to sink in that he’d just been hit with a water gun shot by a Mudkip. The blue-and-orange Pokemon glared up at him with narrowed eyes, chattering angrily. [color=lightsteelblue]”Ho—a Mudkip!”[/color] Cillian said, recovering. He glanced towards Hazmat. [color=lightsteelblue]”Haz, tackle!”[/color] A brief silence ensued as the Mudkip braced itself for impact, but nothing came. Both Cillian and the Mudkip looked towards the orange lizard Pokemon that was busy staring at a Wurmple crawling into the bushes. Cillian groaned. [color=lightsteelblue]”Haz!”[/color] Hazmat looked to his trainer, a smile forming on his face upon being summoned. It dimmed a bit, however, when he saw his trainer glaring at him again. [color=lightsteelblue]”Hazmat!”[/color] Cillian repeated, sighing. [color=lightsteelblue]”What am I going to do with you?”[/color] The Mudkip didn’t have time for all this though, and it promptly turned to leave. It hesitated. It wasn’t worth going back to sleep after it had been so rudely awoken, and it didn’t expect to fall asleep anyways with the human talking sternly down to its Pokemon. A mischievous grin stretched across its face as it aimed another water gun at the white-haired trainer and his Pokemon. [hr] [@balthazar007] Leisy bought 5 Pokeballs (haha, spending those points...)