Quote: "There really ain't no rest for the wicked..." Theme Song: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqcTJRuCMwU]This ain't no place for a hero.[/url] Name: Ed Rosario Alias: Ed Age: 22 Powers and Skills:Ed has nothing special about him... Well except that he's... A crack shot with almost any gun you put in his hands. Meaning he is an all around marksman and plans to hit his shot if the conditions are ideal of course. Knows the basics of most common and uncommon fighting styles ranging from the simple stuff kids ask their parents to sign them up for to the almost dead style of Okichitaw. Plus he can make explosives which may or may not self destruct within a couple seconds of completion. Weaknesses: He's only human man. He also tends to get hot headed and reckless when his past is brought up in anyway. Personality: Ed mostly looks out for himself, so sometimes it works out for everyone and other times it doesn't. Other than that some find Ed to be quite funny at times, and he is also really adaptable to the type of situation given which can be useful on missions. While Ed does look out for himself he also can be found as a team player at times. [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/8ae2c7fa2632dd438727f324904cea35/tumblr_n6twx8CWkR1sulu5oo1_400.gif[/img] Appearance: Ed stands at 6'2" with a fairly slim build allowing him to move around quickly, and all the while packing a little muscle to give his punches a little more power. Biggest Claim[s] to Fame: Robbed five different central banks in the US, two in Canada, and blew all the money in Vegas in less than a night. How Long Have You Been in Prison: Two years, no parole, no visitors, and no fun. Brief History: Ed was a pretty average guy who was better than average with weapons, and made a living out of it. He started fairly small you know stealing and redistributing stolen goods from gangs to their rivals. Then he stepped up with a few armed robberies here and there, two assassination attempts one successful and one not, and finally his big score. His big score which was his series of successful armed robberies on central banks in both USA and Canada. He amassed a fortune out of it, but he wasn't alone for this and had a bunch of hired men to work with him. They all got shares and went separate ways, and Ed took his fortune to Las Vegas, Nevada where he spent it all in one night. In the morning he was found in a top floor penthouse room surrounded by S.W.A.T team members. Turns one of his men was a rat and told the police where everyone who was involved was. Ed then got jailed, but what they can't figure out is who he was before he started his life of crime. Notes: Ed can turn almost anything into a weapon with his hands.