What is your full name? [B]Echo Sullivan[/B] How do you look? (You find this a strange question but decide to answer it anyway)[B]Tall (5'11") Slender (137) Pale Skinned, Pale Short Haired and Blue Eyed[/B] [IMG]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/201/8/a/Draco__Slytherin_Green_by_twinfools.jpg[/IMG] Describe your personality. Be honest, I will be able to tell if you lie to me. [B]I'm called quiet but I consider myself as thoughtful. As a Slytherin some think me evil or dark natured but I think of myself as neutral. I suppose you could say I'm ambiguous to all the romantic displays and games of my contemporaries[/B] What house are you in? Do you feel you belong in this house? [B]Slytherin and I could care less which house I'm in so long as I can study my potions an spells as I wish; Who cares about the opinion of a smelly old senile hat?[/B] How is your O.W.L. and/or N.E.W.T. progress going? In other words, which classes do you specialize in? [B]Potions an Spellcasting[/B] Do you play in Quidditch? [B]It seems pointless[/B] What does your Patronus look like? [B]Silver Dragon[/B] Do you have a pet that stays with you? [B]Pets are a pain[/B] What are your most used spells? [B] 1 : Accio (Such an underrated spell) 2 : Binding/Fastening (So useful if used properly) 3 : Confundo (A confused enemy is a helpless fool) 4 : Fiendfyre (good offense is good defense) 5 : Revulsion (I don't like being touched)[/B]