Thanks to even more snow, I have off work today. That causes be to be quite bored and in need of starting up some roleplays. Some things to know: - I play both genders, but I have a preference towards female at the moment. It's not because I am one. It's due to the fact that everyone always wants me to play a male opposite their female character and hardly ever doubles up. - M//, M/F, and F// pairings are all alright with me. - I'm perfectly happy playing multiple characters. - My reply length is usually about two paragraphs per character. - Do not reply to this thread. PM me. What I RP: (Any of these can be combined.) Roommates Vampires Wizard/Apprentice Kidnapping Boarding school Orphanage Runaways Teacher/Student Adoption/Fostering Long distance relationship Ex Step-father/Ex step-daughter Closeted/Openly Gay Celeb/OC One Direction Pokemon Harry Potter- Snily Snamione Snaco Snarry Drinny Lucius/Ginny Harry/Ron Drarry Fred/OC George/OC Severus/OC Draco/OC Harry/OC Ron/OC OC/OC Doctor Who- Nine/Jack Ten/Rose Ten/Martha Ten/OC Master/Rose Master/OC Eleven/Amy Eleven/River Eleven/Rory Eleven/Clara Eleven/OC Rory/Amy Rory/OC Sherlock- Johnlock Johnlockary Jolly Sherlolly Shernine Sherstrade Mystrade Sherlock/OC John/OC Mycroft/OC Lestrade/OC Parentlock Wholock Potterlock Teacherlock