Ana chewed on the inside of her cheek as the pair of nurses argued with each other while Arus stood nervously behind her. Her hands were forced into the pockets of her new coat, her right hand fidgeting with the lighter. A small grumble escaped her at the restrictions at this clinic. Though, it shouldn't have surprised her, even on a dump planet like this. Hospitals never liked smoke in the air. Something about patients with bad lungs. She never really had paid much attention to the reasoning behind, only been annoyed by it. Too many restrictions for her tastes. Why couldn't there have been a designated smoking area or something? As she was mulling over it, she could hear Arus muttering to herself behind her, mostly indistinct. However, Ana could hear the slight change in tone each time the woman finished a sentence. Switching back and forth. Arguing, it sounded, the girl sounding meek one second and harsh the next. It creeped Ana out. Not as much as hooker-clowns. But it was still creepy, and she still didn't like it. A little sigh escaped her as she looked at the male nurse. "Kind of," she said in response to his question. "Stray we picked up. Others decided to help. Nothing else to say about it." That would have to be enough to satisfy the man's curiosity, as she then went silent, beginning to pace around while Arus retreated into a corner to squat in. Once Vash returned, both women glanced over to him, though Ana was the one that actually made the effort to speak to him. As the man leaned onto Zuzen, she smirked at him, a chuckle escaping her. "Look like shit, bud," she informed him. "I'd give you my coat to cover up the mess, but I kinda just go it. Don't wanna dirty it up already." Arus inched her way over to them, glancing worriedly between the three. "Y-You don't have t-to be rude, y'know?" she asked to Ana, who merely cave her a raised eyebrow in response. The Quernoan turned towards the man. "We-- I mean, I have some spare clothes, probably, at my house. I-If you want, I mean," she added quickly to the end. Inwardly, Sura groaned. At least a trip home would mean a chance to grab their rifle. She felt too bare just having a pistol. Now, if only he'd accept the little proposal... Ana looked skeptical at the sudden openness the alien was showing, but kept it to herself. This was for the others to decide, not her.