[hider=Master App] [center][i]"Meased to pleet you, I'm Tianzi and I'm here to end you."[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Tianzi Hua Xiaohui [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Real Appearance][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1496/db7a22f15727a6eb529d12669775437445541e90.jpg[/img] No records of her proper height and weight exists. [/hider] [hider=Main Homunculi Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/r3ytatu.jpg[/img] A male body that she uses as her public face. While she can really just settle with someone that looks like a normal average businessman, she can't resist the temptation to make one that depicts herself well instead. This homunculi is slightly of better quality compared to the other ones she have, though not by much.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, and maybe mischievous to a degree, nevertheless Tianzi always prioritize a careful approach to almost everything. She's someone that prioritizes herself above everything else, but if it's necessary for her, she does have the capability to act selflessly or to show some kindness to others. However, most of the time she pretty much just performs any actions for the sake of her own amusement while continuing her own magical studies. She has little to no remorse on things she has done, but she's not an outright evil person; she's simply someone that is too self-centered and whimsical to differentiate between good and evil. Has a tendency to spout incomprehensible garbled mess of a quote or koan whenever she likes it, usually to rile others for the sake of her own amusement. It matters little whether others would see her as competent or not, and she believes that it’s best to be known as a fool rather than being seen as a threat. Despite of her flighty, trickster-like personality, she's actually really competitive even in things that she had no real stakes on. Even if she has to resort to dirty tricks, it'll be alright in her books since she doesn't view it as something wrong. Perhaps it’s just her ego speaking, but when she throws her hat into something for whatever reasons, she’s going to do her best on it, and by that she means that she’ll win it, no matter what. She never knew about the heart of people, and never bothered to know more about it. She's on her own for most of her time, and her researches were a lot more interesting than other human beings. A life in eternal seclusion as she continued doing what she wanted to do was her wish, deep inside. [b]Biography and Family History:[/b] An unimpressive heir to an unimpressive family. That would be the first impression someone would have towards Tianzi. Born from a practically unheard of family focusing on Dao-related Thaumaturgy with low amount of Magic Circuits throughout the generations, it was quite a surprise when it was known that her magic quality was quite high in quality despite not having much of it. Nevertheless, with efforts from both herself and others, she managed to enroll to the Clock Tower, where she showed a promising start. She then took her time to focus on Alchemy, and utilized both western and eastern styles to try figuring out a way to create fast and cheap homunculi. She didn't want to admit it, but she had some obsession with the perfection of a human being. She required the homunculi to be cheap and fast since they're meant to be disposable for her research. She believed that Akasha can be reached if she figured out the perfect, untainted human body of the ancient times, A body untainted by death and degeneration of the first humans and perhaps their ancestors, since Tianzi believed that even the varying bodies of humanity will converge into one singular point if she traced it back long enough. For that reason, she required her homunculi to be cheap for the time being. They're only bodies she studied to figure out the nature of a human body and its relation to nature. As she continued to research on it however, she ended up figuring out something else instead. It was a bit crude, but she figured out a nifty trick on how she could impose part of her will and consciousness to a homunculus, by transplanting a minor part of her Magic Circuit which would overwrite said homunculi's programming, purging it from any interference and leaving it an empty vessel for her researches, not dead but not truly alive either. She decided to leave the Association out of both concern that they might try to mess with her researches, and because she felt that the environment was too suffocating for her. Keeping her tricks a secret, she lived as a hermit for years, and it looked like it'd stay that way for a while. Of course, until she was summoned before the man in golden armor, talking about a Holy Grail War. While she had no wish in mind except for furthering her studies, the thought of competing and showing her superiority to the other magi were quite enticing, enough for her to immediately depart to Judea the moment she could to start her preparations for the Grail War. [b]Origin:[/b] Purification [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Wind [b]Number of Magic Circuits and Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] 5 magic circuits of A Quality [b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b] Tapping her finger to a flat surface three times. [u][b]Magecraft: [/b][/u] [b]Wind Magecraft:[/b] Capable of utilizing wind magecraft. Due to her smallish pool of mana and lack of ability to use it efficiently, she prefers on operating on a small scale. .Her favorite spell is using high pressured air to form a bounded field around her, refracting light and preventing anything inside from being seen, or alternatively, utilizing the air pressure to either propel her, or strike her target. It's cheap and effective, perfect for her. [b]Overwrite:[/b] Small parts of her magic circuit are capable of being transplanted into a homunculus to purging their soul and any trace of impurities from their circuits, leaving them empty for her to either fill new programming to them, or utilize temporary Consciousness Transferrence to control their body. Presumably capable of being used to a magus, but it carried way too much risk and an actual surgery for now. [b]Alchemy (Homunculi):[/b] Her primary focus of study. As she pirated most of her knowledge and designs from a certain family, she never really showed much of her researches here to other magi. She mainly used tubes to grow them, and while their quality's far below average, the materials she used to create them are really cheap in comparison to others, and the fact they deteriorate fast wasn't a concern to her. Currently, she have 5 active ones with remaining time of 3 weeks on average, wiht one of them acting as her public face. It would take her five days to create another one, but right now she's lacking in resources. Mystic Codes and Equipment: None [/hider] [@Dawnscroll] [@Slime] Alright, another try for Tianzi. Trying to work on a slightly different angle right now. I think if the overall concept is fine, I'll stick with this one, so tell me if there's anything I need to tone down.