[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/E2CY3m7.png[/img][hr][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipNqY9wHPqg[/youtube][hr]You're handed a brochure. [b]ELCRUISE TRAVEL SERVICE[/b] [b]KINGS OF THE SEA, AT YOUR SERVICE[/b] [i]THE MAGIC OF THE WORLD l The world is much more than the confines of your home. There is so much to see, so much to explore, and much more to experience. Cruise with some of the most innovative ships around. Relax in some of the most exotic places around. See the most captivating cultures around. During your journey, indulge with some of the finest dining our specially trained chefs can provide, spectacular entertainment, and all the freedom that will inspire you. We urge you to create unforgettable memories with us. This year, 11 Elcruise cruise ships plan on sailing the world, including our newest ship, [b]The Azure Sundown[/b], launched in 2013, easily our biggest and most exciting ship. We are showing you the world for you, your friends, or your family - All while being affordable.[/i] The rest of the brochure is pictures of people enjoying themselves, along with descriptions of the boat's other activities and so forth. [/center] [hr] [indent]Welcome to πŸ…Έ πŸ†πŸ…΄πŸ…ΌπŸ…°πŸ…ΈπŸ…½, a horror RP I've been wanting to do for [i]months[/i] now. Just waiting for that golden month of October. The month where my inner-edgelord awakens, and lets me make an RP like this. Now, I have a love of cheesy horror movies of the eighties (and beyond), and I've been itching to replicate that in RP form! I Remain will be a horror RP set on a cruise-ship known as the Azure Sundown, your typical run-of-the-mill cruiseship. The cast will be an assortment of people (it might work better if the cast are friends? Who knows), and it will start out as a rampant party as everyone enjoys the cruise. Until night falls, and everything goes horribly wrong. A being of the night will appear. Whether supernatural, or mundane, the cast will fall one-by-one to this monstrous force... and anything can happen from there. Whether the cast reaches salvation, or death, is up to the writers.[/indent] [hr] Who's interested?