[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/7a8151761aee2c94e7416d084d10d08a/tumblr_ndenutnen41tpqqiho1_500.gif[/img] [b][color=orangered]“They were never scared of the kids who might die, or the empty spaces they would leave behind. They were afraid of us-the ones who lived.”[/color][/b][/center][hr] "No matter who or what you are. They didn't care. To them we are monsters. To them we are a threat. At least that's what they say to themselves to justify what they've done. Despite your background we've all ended up on the same road. The path they have forced us down brought us together for a reason. Let's make that a reason we choose."[hr][center][b][color=orangered]Two years ago[/color][/b][/center][hr] Sleeping in your bed, on the way to school, resting at home it didn't matter. Eventually they came as they did for all the other children. At least for all the children still living. Whether it was expected or not the outcome was the same. Men and women clad in all black military garb gathered you along with many other children your age and stuffed you into an old community gym for about a day. The atmosphere was chilling. No talking, no moving around, nothing. Even the bruised and battered kids weren't given any medical attention. At about midnight it seemed was when everyone was finally moved. Walking outside you saw long lines of buses. Some already had kids within them. You, along with all the other kids, were jammed into a bus that had been slightly modified. There was a gate in the front and two guards with M16's along with the driver carrying a pistol stared each of you down as you entered the bus and forced to sit. The drive was quiet except for a few younger kids silently whimpering. It was like this for a few hours. When the bus finally slowed to a stop you noticed the sun peaking through a few storm clouds. How long had you been near all these people and didn't know a single name? As you exited the bus a PSF pushed you towards a somewhat medium sized building. It looked like an old administration building. As you walked in the building an overpowering smell of permanent marker and rubbing alcohol filled your nose. You could see kids standing in lines and others walking out of side offices. The ones in lines were forced into rooms just as others left them. Those that had left the rooms had some colored X's on their backs. A majority of the older kids eyed the X's knowing exactly what they meant. There were five colors in all. Green's and Blue's had no difference other than the X on their back. Yellow's had rubber gloves on their hands. Red's were handcuffed around the back. While Orange's had some sort of muzzle while also being handcuffed. No one smiled. The place around you was full of tension and fear coming from both sides. Just as your group that you entered the building with was about to start being examined something happened. Suddenly from the back of the room and from a few of the side rooms surges of electricity shot out. The whole building felt like a large magnet in a matter of moments. Then fire burst onto multiple PSF's causing them to writhe in pain. A kid in the back who had his hand on the neck of a PSF screamed, "Everyone RUN NOW!" Some kids did as he said. A few dropped to the ground in a panic. Some stood in shock. It didn't matter what you did because seconds after the kid yelled to everyone a shot rang out through the room and a noise that seemed to be produced directly inside your brain caused you and all the other children to writhe in pain. Some instantly began vomiting. The experience was horrid. After a few minutes the noise stopped and despite the echoing effect of the pain in between your ears you were able to stand when a PSF lifted you to your feat. In front of everyone were five guys, one shot, and a few PSF's with an important looking man standing near them. "I was planning on waiting to introduce myself to you all after everyone was screened, but it seems I may need to tell do this now." He walked back and forth in front of you all. "Listen up! I am Lieutenant Colonel Aiden Anderson. Here, my word is law. As long as you do what I say your time here will be at least slightly pleasant. Now, every last one of you look at these five and listen to what I say. Never try to escape, hurt a PSF, or break any rules set before you. Otherwise, this will happen to you." He signaled to the PSF's standing behind the five. The guards swiftly moved into action beating the kids as a punishment. Once they were done all five were bound and moved out of the building. Anderson looked at the kids before him and said, "I recommend you forget about your lives before now because that is gone. Today begins the rest of your life. Get use to it." The man left after setting a large ultimatum over each of your heads. What shall you do now? [hr][hr][@JackalopeLove][color=00aeef]Geneva Hodgins[/color] After a few more moments you are called forward and led to a small room holding only a desk and a table with some device on it. An older woman wearing a lab coat looks to you and says, "Hello. I need your name and if you would so kindly lay on that table there. I need to scan your brain real quick to make sure everything is all right." Whether you do these actions quickly or slowly doesn't affect the woman much. She appears to be half asleep right now. After the machine is done scanning you she asks you a few questions pertaining to your memory and puzzle solving skills. Once she's done with you she gives you a few clothes and marks a Green X on your back then sends you on your way. [hr][hr][@MechonRaptor][color=26619c]Leo Rooke[/color] Instantly after the Lieutenant Colonel left the room the non-injured PSF's began moving again as if nothing had happened. One grabs a hold of your arm and leads you to a side room shoving you inside. A short hyper man is instantly in your face. Asking you all sorts of rapid fire questions. He seems to be in a rush and wants to be done with you as quick as possible. He practically forces you onto a table with some sort of machine on it. Once the machine stops he asks for your name and then walks behind you marking a Blue X across your back. Then just like that you are shoved right back outside the room. [hr][hr][@PatrickDrummer][color=f7976a]Tre Armstrong[/color] Once you realized the PSF's didn't seem to care about their injured the boy standing in front of you has been pulled away. You have only to wait mere seconds before it is your turn to be moved to a room. Whether you realize it or not this is one of the rooms that one of those boys burst out of earlier. A middle aged man stands in front of a device looking very pissed right now. He barely said anything just motioning for you to lay down under a sizable machine. As you lay down everything starts to feel weird. You feel the electricity emanating from the table and device. This must have been where the boy was when he blasted out electricity. The man begins to turn on the device only to be shocked by the device. He yells, "GET AWAY FROM THE SCANNER!" Once you do as he says he asks, "Whats your name, brat?" He then proceeds to take a yellow marker an put a large X on your back then hands you rubber gloves. "Wear these at all times. If you are seen without them on you'll be punished. Now GET OUT!" The man was obviously on edge. [hr][hr][@BassDropp][color=9966cc]Jamie Wolfe[/color] You are given a good amount of time after everything that just happened due to being towards the back of the line before being moved into a room. Once you enter a younger woman is sitting behind a desk typing away on a laptop. Without looking at you she asks for your name and instructs you to lay on the examination table. She simply waits silently pecking away at the keyboard until you answer and does as she says. Once the scanner completes its job she asks if you could showcase your ability. Whether you do this or not she still places a Blue X on your back and instructs you on what you are to do next. [hr][hr][@alexfangtalon][color=cyan]Alex Hill[/color] After the scene that happened before you a PSF grabs you and takes you to a different smaller room. There a plump older man looks at you and request you give him your name and asks for your color. Whether you respond to the color question or not he has you lay on a table and proceeds to scan you. When the machine finishes it's job the man shoves rubber gloves at you. Once you grab them he turns you around marking a yellow X on your back. He then says, "Don't remove those and you'll be fine." [hr][hr][@alexfangtalon][color=yellow]Katie Pruett[/color] You have time to gather yourself after watching the scene unfurl before you. After a few minutes a PSF pulls you into a small room. The young woman gets straight to business and requests your name and tells you to lay under a machine to be scanned. After a few seconds the machine finishes whirring and the woman forcefully marks a Blue X on your back then ushers you out. [hr][hr] All of you, whether those last few moments were smooth or not, were lead out of the building along with other kids by some PSF's. Walking outside going past a few more buildings and some tents something clearly noted by all are the large numbers of PSF's and the tall barbed wire fences surrounding nearly everything. You walk down a path way and then are separated into groups of ten. You are then moved into a cabin alongside those nine other kids. Tension and fear is high, but does anyone dare speak?