[center][IMG]http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc493/zarkys5/numas%20icon2.png[/IMG] [h2][color=4ECCAC] With Rimguage || Edge of Camp || Attacking a Wolf[/color] [color=4ECCAC]Mood: Cautious[/color][/h2] [@Mae][/center] Numas’ attention was dragged towards the forests of the west for only a moment. Their eyes scrunched together for only a brief moment before the world started to spin back together. To others, it wouldn’t be unusual to see the wary witch doctor begin to fade in and out of their strange semi-conscious state. Where would Narcissa be? What could’ve possible grabbed her- A yelp came from behind them in their thought, and Numas spun around. Rimguage’d thrown a wolf into a nearby rock, but another wolf was biting into the side of his leg. Numas’ eyes widened in the moment, nearly dropping their staff before they realized they would likely need to spring into action. Numas wasn’t a fighter by trade. Their numerous run-ins with violence were mostly out of a need for survival, but there was no chance that Numas was going to let some animal take a chunk out of this figure. Especially with the mark on his chest. So, Numas dropped their staff on the ground as they pulled their two knives from their sides. Two small opened down the center of both blades. Usually they’d hold some type of poison inside them, but Numas hadn’t needed to pull out his weapons in a long time. [color=4ECCAC]“Rimguage! Please try to stay still!”[/color] Numas shouted. They inched forward slowly, sizing up the writhing animal as their mind reminded them of the massive bear that had once tried to claim their life while they tried to become agile like a grasshopper. They rushed forward, and from a crouched position they leaped towards the wolf on their side with their knives up in the air. Eerily, Numas stayed silent even on their leap as they tried to angle themselves towards the angry wolf. [hr] [center][hider=Skills][list][*][color=F72E4C]Natural Connection:[/color] Numas has an excellent understanding of plants and their properties. They can recognize most plants for the various abilities and support they can offer. This is exceptionally proficient in the marshlands, though some of this knowledge does trickle over into other locations. [*][color=4ECCAC]Witch Doctor:[/color] Beyond knowing plants well, they also know certain charms and enchantments that, when combined with other aspects of nature, can become powerful healing concoctions or other such potions and salves. This is made of a combination of their own research, their mother's time as witch doctor, and other sources. [*][color=F72E4C]Interpretation:[/color][/list]Sometimes Numas will bring their followers into trances via various hallucinogens. Numas can recognize symbolism in various dreams or hallucinations and use them to understand what is trying to be said by the incorporeal forces of the world. This is generally where some of Numas' absurd plans come from. [list][*][color=4ECCAC]High Constitution:[/color] Numas' experience in the wilderness with plants have rendered them immune to many poisons and toxins. In a pinch, they can eat things that would make most other people sick or dead with a much less severe reaction. [*][color=F72E4C]Slow and Painful:[/color] Their witch doctoring can work in reverse as well. They know how to concoct lethal poisons that could strike opponents down very quickly when administered. [*][color=4ECCAC]Wierd and Wirey:[/color] Numas tends to avoid fights whenever possible, but if they must their movements and actions are incredibly unpredictable and strange. Their flexibility and agility confuse opponents, then usually they try to strike with a poison and run away.[/list] [center][color=gray][sub][i]15[/i][/sub][/color][/center][/hider][/center]